May we meet again

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No TW my loves
This chapter got to 2684 words so maybe grab a snack haha

I woke up in the middle of the night. Linda was still asleep and Amelia was scrolling through her phone.

"What time it is?" I asked raising my head from her shoulder.

"4:07," she whispered.

"Why aren't you sleeping?"

"Not very comfortable sleeping while you're sitting," she said in a sarcastic tone.

"You should've woken me up," I murmured rubbing my eyes.

"I didn't want to, you seemed comfortable," she locked her phone putting it beside her on the couch.

I looked at her with a smile, "damn, sorry for that hickey, " I laughed as she put her hand on her pulse point.

"Was concealer worn off?" she asked me and I nodded still laughing.

"I hope no one will see me that early, " she whispered.

I wanted to say anything but I heard movements from the bed.

"Hey, Linda," I whispered getting up and going to her.

"Hey," she smiled.

"How do you feel?"

"Much better, thank you... for saving me. And for not leaving."

"How could I leave the Taylor Swift fan?" I said in a sarcastic voice and giggled.

I checked her vitals and told her that she had to stay in the hospital for 2 days in case anything goes wrong. She nodded and thanked me again. It was already around 6 am and I realized I hadn't eaten since... well since the day before yesterday. I was hungry.

"Do you know where I can eat so early?" I asked Amelia in the break room.

"I know one place, come on," she said giving me a sign to follow her.

We walked outside the hospital and I felt how the cold air entered my lungs. The street was quiet this time of day and everything seemed to be good except for one thing that really bothered me. Yesterday I got a call from the best hospital in Germany, they offered me a job. I knew I didn't have a lot of money to live without a job for long so I had to find something eventually and Germany was once in a lifetime opportunity. But that meant I had to leave Seattle just after everything seemed to get normal with Amelia and my parents. That's what I had to do yesterday. I wanted to talk with my parents because I have no idea what I should do.

We reached her car and I hopped in the passenger seat.

"Is everything okay?" Amelia asked as she drove somewhere, "you're quiet."


"That's all you're gonna say?"

"Yep," I repeated. I didn't want to tell her all this. It would seem like I'm running again. And I'm not. Okay, maybe unintentionally I am. But that's different.

She pulled her car from the road to... her house?

"Aren't your sisters at home?" I asked confused.

"Yes, but we won't eat there, wait in the car," she said and ran inside as I watched her. She was perfect. Actually, she wasn't perfect but her flaws made me like her even more. I accepted them as she did mine. How can I leave someone that fits me so well? I don't think I'll find anyone who can compare to her.

The door opened and Amelia put a bag with food in the backseat. We drove for around 25 minutes in silence. I was lost in my thought trying to find any actual reason to get the job offer and be able to explain it to Amelia. I caught her glancing at me from time to time with a concerned face but I wouldn't say anything. If I did, I might break her. What if she'll relapse? I wasn't here in her bad days but I'm sure it wasn't great. I didn't want to ruin her life.

May we meet again // Amelia Shepherd X readerWhere stories live. Discover now