It won't be your last

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TW: mention of self-harm, drugs
Also, this chapter almost got to 3000 words so have a good time reading haha
If you want to know the actual number, it's 2991

Amelia stopped throwing up around 1 am, I put her in bed and she quickly drifted to sleep. I was sitting next to her and even though I was exhausted I had no desire to close my eyes. I wanted to make sure she would be okay. But I knew I had to sleep, I had work in the morning.

I hadn't even noticed how my eyes closed and the next thing I knew my alarm was ringing. I groaned and started rubbing my eyes. Amelia was still asleep so I quietly went to the bathroom to get ready for work.


"Let's get you to bed," I said helping her stand up. She was tired from kneeling in front of the toilet for more than an hour. And my back was aching from the position I was in this whole time.

"I think you shouldn't go to work tomorrow," I was stern, "I'll tell Bailey that you caught a cold."

She was quiet but nodded letting me know she agreed. We slowly made our way to the bed and I laid her under the blanket and kissed her forehead. "I hope she won't drink again," I thought. Deep down I knew she wouldn't stop that easily.

Flashback ends

I showered, brushed my teeth and hair, and put on some concealer. I was so scared to leave her here alone. I mean, if she was going to get drunk again, it would better be next to me so I could help in case something went wrong. I found a hotel notebook and tore out one paper leaf.

"Morning, I'm off work. I hope you're feeling better and that you remember our agreement about you getting a day off. I want to see you here when I get back, drunk or sober. I want to know you're okay. If something goes wrong, please call me. Y/N."

I wrote the note and put it on the nightstand under her phone so she would see it. I opened the closet and found a black skirt that finished around my knees and a black shirt that covered the bruise on my forearm. Together it looked like a dress which I really liked. I put on black heels, took my purse and Amelia's car key, and headed outside. Now if she gets drunk, she'll be safe. At least on the road.

I put on my AirPods and found a cab. 10 minutes later I was already entering the hospital. I went straight to the attending's break room to change and leave my things.

"Morning," Maggie said when I walked inside.

"Morning, how's Meredith?" I asked putting my purse down and going to the table to make some coffee.

"She will be okay, eventually," she mumbled, "Was Amelia with you?"

"Um... Yes," I muttered.

"Is she okay?"

I didn't want to tell her about yesterday at least because it wasn't my place.

"She will be," I smiled.

I took a cup of coffee, my medical gown, and headed to Bailey's office to tell her about Amelia's 'cold' and then the pediatric floor.

I had 2 surgeries today, nothing hard so it should've been an easy day. I started with rounds looking over an intern. He was doing really good and I didn't do much. All of my thoughts were about Amelia. My first surgery was only at 1 pm which meant I had 2 hours before it. I sat at the desk filling some papers that I hadn't finished yesterday.


I stopped the writing and raised my eyes on a tall redhead man.

"Owen?" I said in the same tone he did.

May we meet again // Amelia Shepherd X readerWhere stories live. Discover now