It tears families apart

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TW: hospital stuff, blood, mention of self-harm

I wrote a lot again...

"Morning, sunshine," Amelia murmured. I opened my eyes, I could bet I looked like hell while her face was still sleepy but nevertheless beautiful.

"Were you watching me?" I asked as a grin was appearing on my face, "you know that's kind of creepy, right?"

"You're very peaceful when you sleep," she muttered kissing my nose.

"Well yeah, and then I wake up and choose violence until I get my first cup of coffee," I groaned and hid under the blanket.

"Get up, it's Arizona day," she said throwing the cover off of me which made me close my eyes from the bright light, "I'll make you coffee," she leaned closer and quickly kissed my lips. I made some indescribable sounds and went to the bathroom.

I showered and was brushing my teeth when my phone rang. Callie was calling me on FaceTime.

"Well morning to you," she chuckled at me. I took the toothbrush out of my mouth rolling my eyes.

"What is it, Torres?" I said in a "spill already" tone but with a smile.

"I don't know what I should do," she mumbled really fast and pretty quiet.

"About?" My eyebrows raised and I continued brushing my teeth.

"Should I meet Arizona at the airport or should she just go by herself, should I make dinner-."

"You're rambling, Torres," I cut her off mumbling as I still had toothpaste in my mouth. I spit the remains and added, "Listen, she's the woman you're in love with, why are you so worried? She wouldn't be moving to New York if she didn't feel the same towards you. So just do what you think is right. And everything will be okay."

"Yeah yeah," she nodded, "you're totally right."

"Of course I am, Torres, now calm down and she'll be with you soon."

"Thank you, monkey," she smiled, "we'll be waiting for you here."

"So sweet of you," I said sarcastically.

"Oh I forgot, it's morning, no kindness, only violence, well call you later," she muttered in one breath and quickly hung up.

Oh, she knows me too well

I smelled coffee and opened the door, "I thought we'll eat downstairs," I said with confusion as I saw Amelia staying next to the bathroom door with a mug of coffee.

"We will but you were in here too long, I thought I need to get you out of there somehow," she stated and pointed at the closet, "by the way, take whatever you want to wear."

"Thanks," I smiled, took the mug, and made a sip before going through her clothes. Amelia went to shower and I heard a song by Maroon 5 playing in the bathroom which made me laugh under my breath. I found high-waisted black jeans and a beige sweater, instantly putting them on along with my sneakers, and headed to the kitchen.

"Y/N, hi," Maggie waved excitedly putting a plate with cereal on a table in front of a little girl and a boy. Is it Zola? Callie told me so much about her, Sofia loved playing with her. And the boy must be Bailey.

"Are you auntie Amelia's friend?" Zola asked with an interest in her tone and some excitement. Bailey was quiet and shy though.

"Well, I think I am," I said smiling, "my name is Y/N."

"Zola," she smiled back at me.

"Nice to meet you, Zola."

"Zozo, eat faster or we'll be late," Maggie stated sternly and the little girl nodded glancing me a look like we were friends. I chuckled and playfully rolled my eyes which made Zola and Bailey laugh. Such cute little kids.

May we meet again // Amelia Shepherd X readerWhere stories live. Discover now