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The fight begin, you run towards him and try to punch him in the face but he dodge it. He also try to  give you a nudge in the face, but you dodge it by crouching.

"Not bad" he say, smirking. You smile back.

"You train her pretty good Chifuyu" say Draken, still watching you and Mitsuya.

"Yea.. I didn't have a choice tho, she always put herself in dangerous situations" he respond, sighing.

Miley looks at you, like he was analysing you before speaking to Chifuyu "Something happened that makes you want to teach her how to fight, right ?"

Baji clenched his teeth. Chifuyu put his hand on Baji's shoulder, trying to calm him. He nod at Mikey and sighs.

« Baji and me are the only one that know what happened, she has never tell the story to someone else. »

Draken furrows his brows, knowing something bad had happen in the past. Mikey turns his attention on you again, not showing any emotions.


The fight between you and Mitsuya kept going for 5min, till you have an idea. You come closer to him, really closer. Your nose almost touched his nose. Mitsuya's eyes widen, surprised by the action and took a step back, you take advantage of it to make him fall by tripping him. 

Mikey begin to laugh "She got you good Mistuya !"

"Good job bro !" exclaims Chifuyu, walking towards you and ruffling your hair. 

You look at Mitsuya who was already looking at you with a big smile "You caught me off guard, you sure fight good."

"Thanks", you reached out your hand to help him get up, he smirk and take your hand, before making you fall with him. 

"What the fuck Mistuya !" you exclaims, your face against the grass. You hit him on the shoulder and he starts to laugh. He get up and take your hand to help you get up.

"Chifuyu what time is it ?" you ask him.

He looks at his phone "1am, you want to sleep here ? I don't want you to walk alone at this hour."

"Where do you live ? Someone can take you home" propose Draken. 

"I live 10min from here, near the cinema" you say.

"Oh I live in the same direction, I can take you home if you want" say Mitsuya, a kind smile on his face.

"Yes, thank you" you respond, relieved not to have to go home alone. 

"Okay let's go then, bye everyone !" he say, waving at all the members.

"Be careful !" say Chifuyu, waving back. He knows you're safe with him, but still worry. You never really know what can happened.

Mitsuya gives you a helmet and you get on his bike. 

"Hold onto me, I don't want you to fall from the bike, Chifuyu would kill me" he say sarcasticly.

"Seriously ? You're kidding me ? I'll not fall, nobody drives as bad as Chifuyu" you respond, remembering the one time where you almost fall into a river. Mitsuya laugh "okay but still, hold onto me." You put your arms around his waist, he flinch slightly at the contact.

The road is done in silence, you observe the view of the building at night, your head laid on Mitsuya's back. That was a fun day, but you're tired 'they're all have a lot of energy' you think, yawning. 

Suddenly, the bike stop and Mitsuya looks at you "we're at the cinema, how far away is your apartment ?" he ask.

"The building is in the next street, I can walk to it."

Mitsuya says no with his head "I'll drop you off, it's not a good neighbourhood to walk alone".

You nod and he starts the bike again. 

"It's here" you say, pointing the building with your finger. Mitsuya see a boy in front of the front door "you know him ?" he ask, worried it's a weird man.

You look a the boy in question, it's your brother, smoking. 

"Don't worry, that's my brother" you say coming down from the bike and taking off your helmet. 

He nods, relieved. "Thanks for the ride" you say smiling at him.

He smiles back "No problem, it's normal." You begin to walk towards your brother "wait" mitsuya say, you looks back at him and wait for what he was going to say.

"Can i get your number ?" he ask bluntly.

You laugh "yea of course" you take out your phone and hand it to him.

He put his number in your contacts "you can call me if you have a problem or if you need a ride, since we lives not so far away from eachother" he says, giving you back your phone.

"Okay" you smile at him.

Mitsuya looks at your brother and wave at him.

"Thanks for dropping her off" Alex say waving back. Mitsuya nod before leaving. 

"That's your boyfriend ?" he ask you, giving you a cigarette.

You look at him, confused "What ? No, we're just friends"you say, lighting up your cig. Your brother looks at you and squints his eyes "okay" he just respond.

Before you two get in the building, he stops walking, looks at you and smile "he looks like a good guy."

Hey ! thanks for the 150 views 🤍
I've begin to write an other fanfic, i don't know if she's going to be good bc they're will not be love interest :)

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