Ruined Life By Emotions

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I wake up and look outside. It is still fairly dark, so my guess is that it is around six in the morning. Bruno is already bouncing around the place like he is on a sugar rush. I leave him to do his thing, while I go out and see if any of the other guys are awake yet. The sight I see is so funny, I mentally laugh in my head. Six bodies passed out, snoring, all over the ground. I could even see Carter’s full moon. They must of had a rough night. Drinking is my guess. Although, my quiet footsteps musn’t of been so quiet because Carter begins to stir and wakes up. Poo!

“Morning”  I say.

“Ugh. Morning” I get in return. I hope he doesn’t mention yesterday. He begins to sit up. I giggle. He hasn’t noticed his pants have fallen down.

“Don’t you guys get cold out here with minimal blankets?” They aren’t even blankets, just pieces of material.

“Yeah, I was pretty cold last night, but there have been much worse evenings”. I laugh. “You hungry?”.

“Starving”. I was really hungry. I don’t even remember the last time I ate since I didn’t get my salad. Damnit, Ryder.

“Well, I’m going to quickly run down to the shop. It should be open by now”. I feel bad for not giving him money.

“You might want to fix your pants” I notify Carter. He looks down at his pants and almost immediately he goes bright red. Me being me, I crack up laughing, falling onto the floor. Sadly for him he froze on the spot. I’m still laughing. But then all of a sudden, he pulls up his pants and  bolts down the street after jumping over me. At least I get my food.

I sit down in the middle of the room. Wow, this is boring. Luckily, all the other guys start to wake up and a chorus of ‘good mornings’ can be heard. I would definitely not pay to see them. I mentally laugh. Carter is back in no time with sausages for everyone.

“Um, Carter, remember when I told you I was a vegetarian, it hasn’t changed since then”.

“Don’t worry. I remembered and got you a vegetarian pizza.”

“Oh yum, I haven’t had pizza in ages”

“How is that fair, mate? We get sausages and she gets pizza? What is this?”. I didn’t know Bryce was so serious about his food.

I walk up to Carter and whisper in his ear, “Question, how come Elliot and Evan hardly talk?”

“Uh, well, they have experienced some things that have had permanent damage”. It kind of makes sense now.

“Do you think they would like you know, ever talk to me?” Well Elliott has spoken to me once, when he was giving me a tour of the house, but he keep very concealed and hesitant.

“Doubt it, but you can always try”. Well, if I’m going to be living with them, in what looks like an extremely long time, I might as well attempt. Right?

Carter arrived about fifteen minutes later. It was finally time to eat. However, we were all halfway through breakfast and I realised Ryder wasn’t present. I didn’t want to say anything because I thought the guys might go into his well, our room and draw on his face or something. I was curious as to where he was though because usually he is one of the first people up. No one else seemed to notice so I tried to leave that thought behind me.

“What are the plans for today?” I asked, making sure everyone heard. I knew there weren’t really any ‘plans’ but the room was awfully quiet.

“How about skydiving?” Of course you could rely on Jaspar to say something like this. Although he meant it as a joke, I didn’t take it like that. I was genuinely in between angry and upset and I still wasn’t happy about the whole situation. I threw the closest object to me at him. Luck was on his side as it was the empty pizza box.

“Gosh. Sorry. We can take that off our agenda that’s fine” He says shielding himself and still making a joke out of it all. I just ignore him, he isn’t worth my time.

“Anyone know where Ryder is? I checked his room but he wasn’t there”. Carter directs this question mostly towards me. Since he is saying he isn’t in his room I am a little worried but try to hide it.

“The last time I saw him was when I woke up this morning” I say this and everyone seems surprised that I don’t know where he is.

While the guys are coming up with a big search party plan, I go back into his room. It is exactly the same as it was this morning except he and Bruno are missing. I hope they are together otherwise we will be looking for both of them and that could be impossible. I see a note on the pillow.

‘I’m fine. Don’t worry about me and don’t come looking for me. Bruno is safe with me so don’t worry about him either. I will be home before dark. Peace, Ryder’

It doesn’t say much but it is enough to calm my nerves. I share it with the other guys but we are all still a bit worried and jumpy. I don’t think we will be relaxed until we know Ryder and Bruno are home and safe.

Bryce breaks the silence and tension. “Let’s get ice cream. It will pass the time and it makes us all happy.”

All of us agreed and started walking down the street, probably looking like some sort of band on the front cover of a CD. I didn’t want ice cream but I needed something to change the topic that was on my mind. Not many people are in the building which is good as we each get to have some more space to ourselves, and not feel so crowded or overwhelmed. I look out the window and see two figures that are unmistakably Ryder and Bruno. Carter, who is sitting next to me, sees it as well and he gives me a look that is difficult to read. I’m torn between sitting inside and going out to him. I decide to not move so he trusts us that we won’t come looking for him. I guess Carter has the same idea because he doesn’t move either. We all kind of just sit there, staring off into space. I didn’t realise how much an effect someone can have on you when they are missing. The amazing thing is I have only known Ryder for around a week and I miss him when he is gone for a day, compared to Susan who I have known for my whole life yet I couldn’t care less about her.

I decide to leave and walk home, not caring if anyone comes with me or not. I go to bed and attempt to fall asleep without the company of Bruno. At first I have no success. For the fact that...I can’t believe it but... I am home sick. I miss my room, I miss the nagging of Susan, and I miss Johnathan's letters. It used to be my life, it wasn’t much and it definitely wasn’t the best, but somehow I still miss it.

Between everything going on in my life I realise I have hardly had any sleep. At this rate, I wont be getting any sleep tonight either, but I force myself and I eventually do. Not long after, I wake to commotion in the next room. I think the other guys are home. I can’t let this stop me from having a needed good nights rest, so I try to fall back asleep again.

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Yet another update. Hope you enjoyed it. Remember embrace you're negatives. Also HAPPY EASTER!! Sorry for any silly mistakes.

Until next time, over and out! BYES >_<


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