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"UGH it is way to early" I said as one of the other rogues woke me up "I am sorry ma'am but you must get up you have a mission "

"ok ok" as I get my butt out of bed I get dressed and ready I always wear a black cloke,military camo pants,military boots,a face mask with two x's on it, and a military action bra I always have two guns on me and a knife in my boot I have the face mask on because of my quirk well quirks.

I have two venom bite and blue metal I have fangs so I hide them with the mask it doesn't cover my hole face. if I bite someone I can inject venom in them it depends on how much I inject wether they die fast or slow.

My other I can't create blue metal from myself I can use it in various ways but never mind that.

As I walk down stairs I can't help but feel happiness as I see my kingdom we live in castle ruins but we are good we are rogues we don't like heroes and we don't like villains they are both annoying as fuck but rogues are people who need a home and who have been through alot and are angry with the world we have women children and man some of witch are LGBTQ+ but we don't mind.

"TAGONA" I heard my name and turned around only to see my best friend tosay she had a ruff life but I am glad that we met.

"Hi tosay you ready for the day" "no I didn't want to get up" she pouted "HAHAHAHAHA they got you to huh" "yeahhh" we walked out side and went and played with the little kids.

"YOUR MAJESTY" one of the gaurds said comeing up to me "yes?" "we found this one near the gate" they had this kid on the ground "I have got them from here"

they nod and walk away "what is your name ask the child more like teenager but eh- "y/n" "what a beautiful name" I simply smiled "I heard them call you your majesty what's that all about"

"I am the queen of the rogues my name is tagona and this tosay the princess" I say as tosay is still playing with the kids "oh um then why are you playing with kids and no one is bowing to you" "because I am only 16 and I am not a control freak haha" "oh well ok-WAIT 16" they yelled "yep 16" "holy cow" i laughed "ya you are welcome to stay if you want" "cool but um can I stay near you "I honestly had no idea why they would most don't "sure"

it is about time for my mission to begin "hey y/n wanna come on a mission " they look up with joy "YES" "ok then let's go" as we begin to walk out I realize something "TOSAY YOU ARE IN CHARGE" ok all better look over at y/n smiling and then we walk in to the dark misty forest.

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