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A/N: Happy Birthday to Leroy on the 13th of August! Hehe. As requested, chapter nineteen. I'll be moving on to the special for next week's update and then back to the main story. I might take a one week break depending on my health issues but I'm hoping I'll be good to go soon ^^ 

Thank you for waiting! And quite frankly, I actually enjoyed writing this chapter (I wrote it in a single day because I've been rather busy lately). The banter is, as usual, gold. I love a good dialogue. 



"You make it so hard."

His eyes rippled when they raised. Meeting mine. "Sorry?"

"You make it hard to resist," I told him, distracted by the stray lock of hair brushing the tips of his ears. I tucked it away. "Like, this is all part of a test and you were sent to make me fail."

The reflection of something in his eyes. A light. Like the surface of a lake, the moon hovering just right above it. "Since when were you ever good at tests?"

"Not this one, for sure."

When gazes lock, you hear the click. Otherwise, it's just an exchange. Just a look. But when they lock, the sound is like a spark. Like the striking of a match. It draws—pulls you in right after—and then my fingers were climbing up the back of his shirt, going in for more of cold, frozen lips that were strangely soft. Small. Wet.

It got to my head for the next couple of minutes I wouldn't let him breathe and I could feel him melt. In my arms. And that spot right under his ear, a little to the back of his neck. He liked it.

"Wait." He tried to get himself under control but the trembling was what gave him away. Just by running a finger over that sweet spot and deepening the kiss, again, going back in for more. Had to get a good couple of years' worth of him, eventually.

He had his face buried in my shoulders to hide the mess I'd made out of him and shifted closer even with the separate chairs that kept us somewhat apart. Options presented themselves. With the sea breeze going all out at night and the fire getting low, it was heading in for more or staying out and re-starting the fire, ending the day right here. He seemed to know.

"Your call." I told him, looking down. He sat up a little, raising his gaze and then lowering it as soon as it met mine. Must've burned him a bit.

It was embers now. The fire; died down and crackled quietly every now and then, glowing red but nearly not enough light for anything else. It was kinda hard to see his face but in his glasses, it felt as though I was looking at the stars.

"You're awful," was what he finally went with, hitting me on the chest with a harmless fist. "Yes, I am perhaps the most honest living being on the planet but, as you may have already known, there... are... certain, um. Limits. To being honest. And—! Wh, why ask a question you already know the answer to? Oh my god you're still an idiot."

"One and only." I laughed, tilting right and closing in on the side of his face where his hair brushed his ears and where there was this... scent so fucking good that it edged. Like a bed of flowers in the snow or some shit.

He shivered when I did. I couldn't tell if it was from my touch or the cold. He mirrored how I moved, tilting his head the other way to remove the world between and just when I thought he couldn't taste better, he did. The angle made it easier to deepen the kiss without messing up each other's noses and I liked the feeling of his hair on my fingertips.

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