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A/N: Eeeheeee I'm so sorry I took some extra time to write this chapter because I wanted to ensure sufficient research was done before actually writing it and also because I've been working on the manuscript for the third book of the Taste series (Wax Part I) which I'm hoping to have ready for publishing before December ;v; I wanna make it in time for Xmas so that I can host another giveaway and send one of you lucky ones a nice Christmas gift hehe. 

I had fun writing this chapter and finishing it on my birthday :> CANDLE AND SNOW SHENANIGANS *slurp slurp* delicious




"Banilla! You sleep well last night?"

I glanced over my shoulder, down the other end of the hallway to see Pao and Amelia headed my way with cups of coffee in hand. Eyes barely open and standing in the middle of the lift lobby waiting for an elevator was my sorry self, minutes before five in the morning without a drop of caffeine. Half of me had been hoping to run into a certain idiot before the start of today's busy schedule for the teeniest pick-me-up but the other half knew perfectly well the sheer distractive abilities of said person that was nothing less than detrimental to a harmless bean trying to focus.

"Unfortunately not, Pao. It's a miracle I managed to clock four hours of sleep after going through the revised script last night after the shoot... Carter has been an, um, interesting character. To say the least."

We shuffled into the elevator and Amelia pushed a button for the ground floor, where we were scheduled to set off from in a few minutes—going separate ways with interpreters and a camera crew each for ingredient shopping.

"What does he do again?"

Pao struggled to contain his laughter.

"One day he driving the car vroom vroom, next day he come down from the helicopter, then he shooting the gun." "I wasn't talking about the movies, Pao." "Ay yes Amelia I know what you're talking about but I'm serious. The guy is an actor. He cannot cook!"

We shared some quiet laughter.

"Precisely what I thought. What is Carter doing here? Who invited him, do you know?" Amelia crossed her arms, leaning against the mirrored side of the elevator. "He comes by saying the silliest things and heads off in three seconds. Not to mention, he's a little too friendly."

"What about you, Banilla? What do you think?" Pao directed my way after noting my silence, which I'd hoped not to draw any attention to.

"I suppose I... should withhold judgement. For now," I opted for something safe, reluctant to share the heavy clouds that fogged my mind whilst waiting for sleep to remove them all. "Perhaps Carter is a natural. Chef Cox certainly fits into the category of culinary talents." I was lying through my teeth and as most of the human population would have known, it was not one of my strong suits.

"No no, Cox had been trained—by the legend himself, moreover—since he was a kid. Carter meanwhile, starred in some film as a head chef just once and all of a sudden, boom. He owns a restaurant."

The elevator doors slid open with a ding and we were met with a frazzled production intern breathing a sigh of relief at the sight of us three. "Thank god. Your rides have been waiting... the cast gathered early and we're all ready to set off to the markets."

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