The Triwizard Tournament

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A/N: It's been ages. God I apologize ;-; And I also apologize for returning with an AU I have been dying to write only because I've recently been rather invested in Hogwarts Legacy, a game that allows the player to experience the life of a student at Hogwarts (magical school/institute in the Harry Potter universe). I couldn't help imagining these two silly lovebirds in a similar setting and found myself itching to write a 8k word AU out of n o w h e r e. 

As mentioned several times now, I am writing every week! Just at a slower pace and writing content I wish to write instead of forcing things out of myself. To those who still have this app on their phone and to the few who've made themselves clear that the only reason they do have this app is because, well, I write on Wattpad exclusively: you Beans deserve the world :') 

Thank you for your patience, waiting for my words every other week and stopping by on Instagram to check in on me once in a while. Or even here in the comment section. I'm sorry if I've made you worry. Thank you for staying.



It was perhaps by will of some twisted, awful higher power, fond of unfortunate narratives, that a curious decision was made by the goblet of fire—to choose, out of the hundred others who'd put their names in the cup, a boring, bookish Ravenclaw without an inch of physicality or aptitude for competitive danger.

Vanilla Julian White did not recall dropping his name into the goblet of fire in the first place; the very notion of it akin to a joke of poor taste. He was the Ravenclaw that raised his hand with a perfect answer for every question posed to the class by professors. The know-it-all who memorized ancient texts weeks before they were taught in class and the one who never seemed to break a single rule.

It was no wonder that much of Hogwarts deemed the cup's decision perfectly unwise.

The student was muggle-born; orphaned at a tender age and raised by his Aunt and Uncle who'd never quite understood the floating books and everlasting candles around the household. Either way, as much of a genius Vanilla appeared to be and as many libraries he'd devoured; cohorts he'd topped; complex phenomena he'd understood and read about, the boy never once thought himself to fit the bill of... 'powerful wizard in the making'.

Even in the muggle world, Vanilla's least favorite subject was Gym or anything that had to do with physical education in general. But wait, was not the strength of wizards equated to their knowledge of spells and enchantments, quick-thinking and reflex? Turning a blind eye to the last of the three, Vanilla wasn't that poor of a Triwizard champion. Sure, 'Defense against the Dark Arts' wasn't necessarily his best subject (it was the only one he did not supposedly score an 'Outstanding' in), nor did he possess the qualities of a fine courageous leader others in the hall had been so eager to welcome and support as the chosen representative, but.

To be received with absolute silence... and suspicion.

As though the shock and disdain weren't already enough, this had all unfolded before the students of Durmstrang and Beauxbatons, other wizarding schools of the region who'd graced the occasion in support of their own Triwizard champion. His name had been the first of the three.

In the first place, Vanilla hadn't the least intention to watch or even participate in the festivities of the Triwizard Tournament, let alone be the chosen champion of his institution. Frankly, the bespectacled wizard had spent his past five years in Hogwarts quietly and peacefully; buried in books and tending to the Thestrals at the stables near the east gate.

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