Storytelling & Writing Styles

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Just simple guidelines and sarcasm to help ya.


Now, I'm not one to tell others how to write properly - more presumably on how their story is gonna turn out.

But of course, advice is needed before writing a hololive fanfiction.

Cause boy, how terrible did it go for me - when you just wanted to write a fanfiction about hololive but ended up in a spiral of procrastination.
And there are three things about that, it's either because you have no storyline to begin with or just have no writing experience or you don't have the motivation to write in the first place - and possibly more.

Now I don't blame you at all, cause I started as a newbie as well - so my writing and storytelling were very short and way too simple, but practice is practice.
So It counts if your story is progressing - even if it's too short or too fast-paced, it's practice and eventually, you'll get better at storytelling and writing too.

Despite being an impatient author, I'm the type to like very slow-paced books - just seeing the process is just admirable for me.
So currently, I have my own book that is half-planned throughout the story, and how it was created was through music and poems.
The rest of the story was completely made up mostly because of them and the story process is also included but not all of the parts are.

If you only lack one short scene of a story you want to write, then that's not going to work if you only have that much.
It's just my opinion, but if you don't get hyped up about the imaginary story and you're thinking about working on it - then that's just a bunch of essays you're abandoning sooner or later.

It's much more efficient if you think about your story thoroughly instead of just busting it out in the open without plans.
And if that doesn't help either, try writing a beginning of a story you like - thinking it's writing-worthy and see/imagine where that leads, if you didn't like how it turned out - it's alright, for me, I always leave the beginnings of my stories the way they are until I edit them with my current writing style.
(In-short: Leave the beginning of your story after you can handle a more of a professional grip to rewrite it to make it more sense for the story and etc.)

Writing Styles & Grammar/Sayings/Lines:

Let's start with grammar first, this might be a little frustrating for new writers - but when you'll get used to it, you'll spot out the mistakes after some time.
It doesn't really matter about the grammar if you're bad at english sayings/lines, no one can really blame you for your simple mistake - plus everyone can just correct it themselves if you forget to rewrite it.
I always found my english sayings way too simple and I blamed myself because of it - but now it's just a neutral feeling.

For sayings/lines - let's choose english for this subject specifically, I know most writers first language isn't English but they tried their best to write even if messing up here and there - so far, I've only seen a couple of writers doubting their English even though their story and English writing is pretty great.
And the other writers that confirmed they are indeed not good at English are true - but overall their story is good too, keep going and eventually your English might get better too.

Storylines are pretty hard to come up for my opinion, but if you dig up lines that fit one of the hololive girls aspects - then you're basically on track with their virtual characters.
I've read some hololive books that didn't fit most of the girls personalities at all - but I don't blame the writers if they wanted to make a reader insert, but I just think it's important that their personalities should stick with their characters - but heck I'm not forcing anyone here so do what you want.

Lines in most books are either short or mid-short, longer lines that characters use/say will promptly be judged on if their words don't fit into the scene or atmosphere - keep trying until you find a line that fits into the situations/scenes.

Lastly - Writing styles, It's presumably better if you stick into one writing style - but it depends on what kind of fanfiction you're writing honestly, if it's an intense one, it's better to be more organizable with the sentences/words you write.

Wattpad has a system that allows writers to move the sentences/words, no literally.

If you own/use a computer and want to write on it - double click the sentence/words you wrote and this is what you'll see.

If you own/use a computer and want to write on it - double click the sentence/words you wrote and this is what you'll see

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For the mobile version - you'll just simply see the options easily in writing mode.

The three right options give you the power to manipulate and move the sentences promptly, the three left options let you change the fonts the want you want

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The three right options give you the power to manipulate and move the sentences promptly, the three left options let you change the fonts the want you want.

Just a little warning, the sentences may get bugged and you'll have to fix it again if you wanted the way it was.

If you're too lazy to organize the sentences, just stick into one writing style just like I said and you'll go on to a different level eventually.
And if you think your writing is all over the place, it's best to space between different sentences that don't relate to the topic of the sentence.

Make sense? No?
Well, you're on your own there.


Welp that's all, see you next class.

Feel free to ask what topic you want me to cover on.

Guide to how to write a good hololive book.Where stories live. Discover now