Arrows in the water

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It was Monday, and Mike was on his way to the Institute, as usual, accompanied by Kyle. - Have you heard the rumors about Abby? - said Kyle, walking up beside him.

- I don't really care, but what kind of rumors? - He was wearing black jeans and his beloved black leather jacket over a white t-shirt, his hair was disheveled and the sun highlighted his light brown locks.

- I'm used to you caring very little about things - Kyle joked, fingering his gold rings - but you have to admit that this is serious, as for the rumors, it's said that Abby didn't like anyone but Ethan.

- Who is Ethan? - Mike asked curiously.

- He was her best friend: and Ethan Keeper, I think you know him, he lives near the lake.

- You mean Tom Keeper's son? I think he was one of the cops here. This is all rather strange, really.

- Yeah, but hey, have you thought about what elective to take this year? - said his friend with an excited air.

- Well, I haven't really given it much thought, how many are there? - Mike said distractedly.

- I seem to remember that they were: singing, literature, art history, theater and French. I'll take voice, so I can keep practicing guitar for the band. - Kyle said with a wide grin on his face, looking proud.

- Is there literature and French? - He said interested with bright eyes that highlighted happiness - Well in that case I'll sign up for literature and if there is no place, then look, I've always liked French and learning more languages is never a bad thing, I'm still having trouble finishing my second novel - answered Mike, with his brow furrowed by the sun.

- The truth is that the first one had quite an intriguing ending, I'd like to....But it was never known what Kyle was going to say, as the boys had reached the threshold of the Institute.

Inside they found a quite different scene from the previous year, the lockers had been painted in gray (last year they were a military green that Mike hated) and the walls in white (since last year they were completely stained) and finally a huge banner that said: "Welcome students", rested at the end of the main corridor.

- Hi Kyle! and ... - Said a tall, slender girl carrying a box with pins that read: VOTE EVELYN on each one and a sign with her name on it.

- Mike Anderson - Mike replied in a curt tone, since the way he figured it, she would be running for school board president and Mike has always found that to be a huge waste of time - Nice pins Evelyn.

- Eh thanks I guess, Kyle's friends are my friends too - the girl shrugged and grabbed Kyle by one hand and intertwined hers with his - Come on Kyle, I have to show you everything I've been working on these past few weeks - and with that said she left with Kyle dragging him by the arm, leading him down the hall and across a corner.

- See you later! - Kyle said to him just before disappearing.

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