In a Pynch Part 1

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Adam had just finished the drive back from Harvard as he approached the long vein of trees encompassing The Barns. It was getting dark and as he peered out the window of the recently fixed Hondayota and caught a glimpse of something along the tree line. He didn't think much of it until he saw a vaguely hooved creature leap out from the underbrush, right onto the road in front of his car. Adam slammed the brakes as they groaned to a stop. Then he realized what, better yet, who that creature was.

"OPAL!" Adam yelled furiously. "If you don't get out of the road right now, no more eating trash for a week!"

When Adam opened the door and let Opal in he continued the long drive down towards the house. Had it been almost six months since he last saw this place? Since he last saw Ronan? Harvard was a commitment that demanded a lot from Adam. He stayed up late doing homework and studying for upcoming assessments for so long that he forgot about his life in Henrietta. He forgot about his life with Ronan. They finally pulled up to the main house's front porch, and both Adam and Opal hopped out of the car. Adam got most of his belongings out of the back of the car while Opal tried to help, but mainly posed as a hazard.

"Hey Opal, do you know where Ronan is?" Adam said as he unlocked the door of the house.

"No," Opal retorted, "But I know he is here somewhere, I think I saw him over in the cow pasture."

"Thanks," Adam replied as he headed up to their room so he could unpack his things.

When Adam got to their room he saw the picture of Ronan's dad laying on the ground. Glass shards were flung everywhere across the floor. He grunted as he heaved his bags onto the bed and squatted down to carefully sweep the glass shards back up into the picture frame. As he started to get up he set his hand down on the ground to balance himself, but instead, his hand met a shard of glass and was split wide open. Adam cursed under his breath, hoping Opal wouldn't hear. His eyes darted around the room to try and find something to put on the wound to stop the bleeding. The first thing he thought of was a towel. As he carefully shimmied to the bathroom, he tore the towel from its rack and wrapped it around his bloody hand. Adam carefully made his way downstairs to treat the wound.

"Adam, are you okay?!" Opal exclaimed as she saw him lurking down the stairs.

"I'm fine, I just cut myself on some glass from something Ronan broke." He replied snarkily.

There was a loud bang as the back door flew open; wood slamming against wood. Ronan entered the room with a sort of magnetism, all eyes on him.

"Hey Parrish, were you gonna come and tell me you're back?"

"I was going to, right after I cleaned the mess you left upstairs!" Adam sneered.

"What mess?" Ronan questioned.

"The glass from the picture of your dad was all over the floor of our room." Adam said, "So I went to clean it and I cut my left hand."

Ronan moved closer to Adam and pulled the towel off of his hand. He saw the cut, no bigger than an inch, and walked to the cabinet to get the disinfectant.

"You know, you really can't be getting hurt like this," Ronan joked as he pressed the gauze to Adam's soft hands.

"I missed you," Adam blurted through the sting of alcohol meeting raw flesh.

"I missed you more," Ronan replied.

They leaned closer together and their lips met like two pieces in a complicated puzzle that was their life. Ronan pulled away, then he took Adam's hand and ran out the back door into the small barn where he kept his dream things. Adam felt hands over his eyes and when he was inside the barn he felt this sense of safety. Safer than he had ever felt in his life, he was home and nothing could take this feeling away from him. He never wanted to leave this place again, to leave the boy he loved. Ronan took his hands off Adam's eyes and what was revealed was a complex, yet beautiful string of multicolored orbs over a sparkling red blanket. Adam shifted his gaze to the ceiling and instead, he saw the constellations. He saw Hydra, Virgo, Ursa Major, Cetus, and Hercules.

"Ronan....did you dream this?" Adam stuttered.

"Yea, I know how much you've gotten to love astrology, so I decided to dream what some people are never able to see."

Adam enveloped Ronan's body into his. He would never leave this place again. He would do anything and everything to keep what was his. They parted and made their way over to the dream blanket. They sat down and both stared at the dreamt sky. They sat in silence for a bit, the kind of silence that's only bearable to sit in with the person you love. Then, Adam turned his head towards Ronan and searched for Ronan's hand until their fingers were intertwined. Adam pulled himself so close to Ronan that he could feel the heat emanating off of his body. Their skin met, then their eyes, and then their lips. Adam swiftly moved up on top of Ronan and pulled his shirt off. Ronan seemed to understand because he too yanked his clean off. Their lips collided and split in a series of sloppy and wet kisses. Adam reached for the back of Ronan's head and slowly lifted it up, moving his hand down towards his neck. Still encased in a kiss, Ronan lifted both his hands and slowly moved them down Adam's torso, feeling every crevice and dip. Just how he remembered it. Adam, his Adam. Ronan's hands moved below Adam's waist and into his shorts. Adam cupped Ronan's perfect head in his hands and broke them apart, dragging his fingers across the thick skin of Ronan's bare chest. Ronan heaved, slow and heavy. He heard Adam cry faintly and then felt sudden movement on top of him. In a tangle of elastic breaths and moans, they both fell into one last motion. Adam dropped his head down to see Ronan's mouth wide open and gaping, head pulled back. He dissolved right back beside Ronan. Adam felt soft kisses around his cheek, savoring every second. It was late now, Ronan pulled the dream blanket over them in a warm and loving embrace. They kissed each other one last time and fell asleep under the stars, where they belong.

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