Smile Bright my Sweet Angel

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It's been 10 months since Alex was born. Jessy has grown to adore him. We got a dog named Ghost. She is a German Shepard and is about 4 months old. Alex loves her. Shea is going to be coming home soon...maybe...
"Have you heard anything about when they are reaching the states?"
"No. It's been a couple of days."
"He's coming home. Don't worry."
"You don't know that."
"Yes I do."
"There is a chance that he couldn't be coming home." I walk into the other room to get Alex so i can feed him. He is crying and whining. I walk in to find Max trying to calm him down.
"He won't stop crying. What do I do?"
"Give him here."
I'm laughing quietly and i take Alex from hin.
"I'm sorry....i was trying to help."
"It's okay Max. He is just hungry."
"Okay...I'll go get his food."
"No. You can hold him while I make his food. Come on."
We walk into the kitchen and i hand Alex to Max.
"You guys should get a kid."
"It's we do we ate moving out."
"Well you guys don't want to stay with us all the time do you?"
" will only be you and Alex. Won't you need help?"
"I can call Lavender if i need help."
"Really think we should get a kid?"
"Yes. You guys would be great parents."
"I dont know. I might have to keep Alex."
"Jessy you are not keeping my child."
"But....Its so cute."
"HE is my child. And he is not an it."
"Okay fine. He is so cute."
"That's because he looks like his father."
"No. He looks like you too."
"He looks more like Shea though."
"He still has your eyes."
"Yeah." I finish making Alex's food and take him from Max.
"I can feed him if you want Allyssa."
"No its okay Max. I got it."
I walk over to the couch and sit down and feed Alex. When im done feeding him he is asleep and ready for me to put him to bed.
"You putting him to bed?"
"Yes shush."
I go into the room and put Alex to bed then go into the kitchen to get me some food.
"Hey Jessy, do we have any of that rice you made left?"
"Yeah. It should be in the fridge on the second shelf."
"Okay. Thanks."
"So ummm...."
"It may be another month or so before Shea gets home...."
"What? He was supposed to be home this week. What happened?"
"His plane crashed and they have to go find him."
"Are you serious?"
I back into the wall and slowly slid down it crying and putting my hair back out of my face.
"This cant be happening....he can't be gone..."
"Allyssa they know where he crashed."
"But he could be dead. I could have already lost him."
"He is alive. Don't worry."
"Too late. I'm going to worry."
"I know just calm down."
He tries to hug me but I push him away and bury my face into my arms.
"I cant lose him. Not now."
"I know just please Allyssa. Calm down. Your going to hurt yourself."
"I'll be fine..."
"Yeah...i just need to go to sleep....if Alex wakes up will you take care of him?"
"Thank you Jessy."
"Your welcome."
I get up and walk to my room, climbing into my bed and going to sleep.

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