meeting him(chapter 1)

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"Y/N WAIT UP" yelled a tall boy from behind "oh hey megumi what's up ? " said y/n as she turned to face him

"yuji and the others invited themselves over my house, since they did i just wanted to see if you wanted to come over as well" said megumi as the others walked up to you as well

"ofc i'd love too"

"ok the other's and i will pick you up at 7 dose that sound good?"

"yea that's when i'm free"

" alright, i'll see you then"

" okay bye megumi" you started thinking about what y'all would do there.

what if his house if boring? what if he doesn't have any food? i mean you were walking home, you could just pick up some snacks..

and that's what you did

you walked into the store and was about to pick up some of your favorite candy but another hand grabbed it.

you looked to your left and seen a buff man with jet black hair and a scar on his lip, " umm .. what are you doing? i was about to get that" you asked him

" oh really? just means you got to it a bit to slow don't you think?" he asks smirking

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