what I really want ?(chapter 10)

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As you were getting ready to leave the house for school you saw toji, standing outside of his car with black shades and a suit on. " What are you doing here?" You and in a confused tone. He takes the shades on and looks at you with a smirk " I thought I told you yesterday that I was going to give you a ride to school," as he opened the car door you move pass him and go to the passenger side and sit down " toji I asked you to take me to school not dress up as some butler.." you said as you close the door. He walks over to the driver's side and gets in the car.

" I thought about what you said last night and I think it's best for us if we move on with our lives you're one of my son's best friends ever since he was a kid and I don't want to put your friendship on the line all because my dick like the way your pussy feels" toji said with a smirk as he puts his hand on your thigh. " Of course you had to say something to ruin the moment your so predictable toji you're always thinking with your dick and never your brain, grow some balls and man up for once" you said and you move his hand off your thigh " y/n you should watch that mouth of yours you know I can fix that attitude real quick." He said as he grabs you jaw forcefully to look at him " just take me to school" you said as you move his hand off your face. "Let's make this quick I have to go to work " he starts the car an drave off

You get to school and see your friends " bye toji thank for the ride" you say as you step out of the car and close the door, soon after megumi arrives in his car and parks in his usual spot " HEYY MEG !!!" You say as you run to the car to greet him "HEYYY Y/N!" He said as he gives you a hug, you hug him back and notice he smells differently then he normally would " meg you smell really good like... really good " y/n said as she smells him again " thanks I knew you would like it I got this cologne just for you" megumi said while smiling the bell was about to ring so you both went inside and hug one last time before separating and going to your different classes.

It was only 4 hours into school and you were already bored so you put your headphones in and listen to your music while you worked. You saw you had gotten a notification from toji it was a video you ask to go to the rest room so you could watch the video without anyone seeing it when it came to toji that video could be anything.. you get to the bathroom as you start watching the video you hear toji moaning and groaning while playing with his dick you look closer and see that he has something in hand then a message pops up from toji 'you left your panties in my room' your eyes widen and you hear him groaning more and his pace speeds up and you see him cum on your panties then the video ends. You walk out the bathroom and walk back to class completely shocked at what you just watch as you walk back too class you lay your head on you desk and fell asleep since your class was in the library you didn't care because your next class was a study hall so you'll be in the library anyway.

You wake up to feel someone tapping your shoulder its was megumi, "hey its time for lunch" you wake up wondering how long you were asleep for " meg what time is it" you say while rubbing your eye " its 11:45 am " he hands you his lunch box so you can take half for his food like how you always do "y/n I have to tell you something.." he looks down at his hands for a moment then looks back up at you " I love you.. not just as a friend..."

AN: i love a good cliffhanger also next update is 6/8/2030 IM KIDDING its Saturday!!

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