Chapter 1

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Years later...

"Happy birthday Alora!" my peers all cheered as I entered the classroom. I loved school because I could be anyone I wanted to be here. Nobody knew who I was at public school; they just thought I was a regular girl like everyone else.

"You remembered" I awkwardly laughed because I had forgotten about the fake birthday I had told everyone. "Of course we remembered silly." Kate, the over-enthusiastic girl giggled.

Believe it or not, I didn't really talk a lot in school. I was scared I would blow my cover when I was younger and now I have to keep up the act. People see me as the smart quiet girl. I was only smart because when I was younger I had many tutors and was forced to learn as much as I could. But nobody here knows that I can speak seven languages. "So what are you going to do for your birthday?" Kate asked. "Oh you know the usual, most likely go eat out with my mom and dad." I lied through my teeth. I sat down and the bell rang, class finally began.


School finished and I walked a block to the next street making sure nobody was around when I got inside the black Tesla parked at the end of that street. The driver took me home and I started up the stairs of the mansion. This house was modern with a white outside and a black roof. I went straight to my room making sure I do not bump into one of my dad's colleagues. I knew I would never bump into my dad because he never came into the house's west wing.

I got to my room and jumped into the shower when I got out I saw a leather one-piece suit sitting on my bed with a letter on top. Great another mission right when I get home. Couldn't he have sent one of his minions to do it so why did I have to? I opened the letter that read "If he does not return the money, kill him" then there was an address with a picture of a man inside the envelope. The man was a redhead with a long beard and brown eyes. Should be easy enough. I quickly changed into my suit and stood in front of the mirror. It hugged my body perfectly. I tied up my damp hair into a slicked-back low ponytail. I took another glance at myself in the mirror. I had caramel skin (as in she is brown), bright green eyes, and medium black wavy hair. I was often told that I got my face from my dad and my eyes from my mothers' side but every time I look in the mirror I see a mask. I push my thoughts aside and walk outside thinking that this suit will make a nice addition to my collection. This time I get into a grey Mercedes Benz and inside there are rows of weapons. How I loved my weapons. From big to small, many knives and guns. I hid some of the knives all around my body and I put one pistol behind my back. Then I held one gun in my hand as I told the driver to step on it. We arrived in a warehouse that looked abandoned but I knew better. I took a deep breath and stepped out of the car.

I entered the warehouse-like I owed the place and didn't wait for the guards to stop me. I just hit them both in the back of the head. As they fall I can't help but laugh. Fool why would he go against my father and have such low security. I stepped over their bodies and there he was sitting in a chair that looked all too stiff. "Hello beautiful" he observed. I almost threw up. "Hello ugly" I declared, I mean neither of us was wrong and I forgot his name anyway. "Ouch, that hurt," He said. "Not as much as a bullet flying through your flesh if you do not return the money," I spoke calmly. "What money?" He smirked. Ugh, cocky fool. I took a knife and threw it right into his foot. He screamed. I smiled. "You're crazy" He stated the obvious. I rolled my eyes. "Hate to burst your bubble but you're not the first person to tell me that" I laughed. "I don't usually do this but let me ask you one more time where is the money?" I asked. He didn't respond. "Did someone cut out your tongue or do you hate the sound of your voice as much as I do?". He shook his head. Now he was annoying me. I ripped the knife out of his foot and he screamed again. I then started to clean off the blood using his beard. "I was being quite generous today, but I guess you're out of time," I whispered in his ear. I took the gun and placed it in the middle of his forehead. I whispered "any last words?". He still didn't respond. Then I pulled the trigger. I walked out of the warehouse, not worrying about the mess because I knew my father's minions would take care of it. Just as I was leaving I saw something shiny near a broken window. Wondering if I should leave it there or pick it up. I decided to pick it up, it was a ring with the words amore on the inside. Why did it look so familiar? I have seen this before, but where? Not wanting my fathers' men to see it or anyone else I slipped it into my pocket and pushed the thought away.
Hello! I know it is really detailed and can be annoying but so is the next chapter then I will probably write easier just kinda don't know how to write my way yet pls tell me any thoughts thank you!!!!

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