Chapter 2

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When I finally got home I didn't care to take a shower because I already did when I came back from school and I had no blood on me anyway. Grey walked in, he is my dad's second in command and is the same man who was there telling me to pull the trigger on my mother. His raspy voice said, "Go to the base we have new people and you need to test them." No, I already went to school and did a mission. "Ask someone else I have homework" Seriously Alora that is the worst excuse ever. I scolded myself. "You're smart enough you don't need to do homework in fact you don't even have to go to school at all" he spoke harshly. "Okay, whatever I will be there. Don't wait up I am going on my bike." He walked out not wanting to engage in more useless conversation. Not that I even wanted to ever talk to him although he is the closest thing I have to a father figure considering I have never actually had a conversation with my sad excuse of a father. I mean he once said "Good job Alora" I don't think it counts under that specific circumstance. I walk to the garage not changing out of my suit because my family is known for not being late. I walk to my favorite vehicle which is a Kawasaki Ninja H2R which is an absolute beauty of a vehicle and any collector would die to even have a look at this motorcycle. "Ahhh," I say as I hop on. The familiar feeling of my hands curling around the ends of the vehicle. I love the feeling of the cold air hitting my whole body making me shiver. When I get to the base which is an old-looking building but as I walk in I see the place looks far from old. You can tell rich people with unlimited money made it and it even has a bar on every floor. I walk through the front door to the training room when I see her and 5 others. I smirked under my helmet glad I did not take it off yet. Kate the girl from my class who is overly enthusiastic is standing there next to six other people except for this time she has a scar on her ear and she has no emotion on her face. "Alora take off that helmet right now!" Grey yelled. I see all the color drain from Kate's face and I laugh. "Oh, they must be important than if you are yelling about what I am wearing," I said in a smug voice knowing full well that I am the most important person in this building because my father is not here. "Now," Grey says in a bored voice but I can hear a little annoyance in his tone. "Whatever," I say as I take my helmet off and let my hair out of a ponytail that it was still in from the mission. I touch my hair. I smile knowing that it was dry and I would not have to worry about it sticking to my face. "Why hello, I hope you finished all your homework before you came here?" I said to Kate who is now at a loss for words. "Y-y your, W-w-what," she says more to herself. I hold up a hand "Yes, Yes I am me now carry on." I turned around and started to leave when Grey spoke "Your father specifically wanted you to train and teach them." "Ugh, they have no potential a toddler has more potential than them. I am not going to teach them." "Yes you are, what makes you so sure they have no potential?" He said angrily. "Look at him," I said pointing to the first boy who looks about 17 with brown hair blue eyes. "Sure he is tall but his stance is all wrong he looks like he is going to take a picture or waiting in line for a new iPhone." "And her" I point to Kate. "she has 'known me for years and was shocked to see the quite smart girl in her class here. I could see it all over her face." "OK, ENOUGH ALORA YOU WILL TEACH THEM AND YOU WILL NOT SAY ANYTHING MORE ABOUT IT." He composes himself. "End of discussion" He states blankly but I could see pure anger in his eyes. I roll my own "Fine, whatever".

"Okay, line up everybody and say your name. There is no point in lying because I will just use my connections to find out anyway." The first guy who I mentioned before the tall one with brown hair, blue eyes, and a slim figure but full of muscle said "My name is Joshua Jones". Kate has blond hair that was clearly brown before but she dyed and brown eyes spoke next "Gabriella Bianchi". I already knew that because I do background checks on everybody at my school. "Seo-jun (Sŏjun) Kim" He was Koren and was tall and buff. I mean this kid was two feet taller than kate and k- oh shoot I forgot, I mean Gabriella was tall. Next was a Chinese girl shorter than me with dark shoulder-length hair and blue eyes. She said "Yenay (yee-nae) Liu" in a deeper voice than Joshua but it was so satisfying. An African boy with broad shoulders filled with muscles, dark skin, and a tall figure matching Seo-jun's. He said "Adrian Abebe". An Indian girl with medium-light pink hair smirked and said "Priya Bento". Dang the Pryia okay girl I see you!

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 23, 2021 ⏰

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