Seijoh: Part I

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It's a good night, all things considered..

Sure, their food supply is running low, along with the gas level in their truck, but hey, no one is dead.

Matsukawa had picked off a few walkers that afternoon, taking his post with a rifle on the roof of their current camp. It's an old warehouse, one that needed to be cleared of a few flesh eaters before they could live comfortably, about 4 hours from their homes in Miyagi. Iwaizumi scoped the location, but ultimately Oikawa decided that it was sufficient for the next week. So, they boarded the windows with some old planks found behind the building. They barricaded all doors aside from two exit routes; one at the top floor fire escape, and the other at what they assumed was the main entrance. They forged up a makeshift fire pit, found some old crates and bags with supplies, even found an old record player with some "oldie's music" as Hanamaki expressed with disgust. Iwaizumi managed to fix the old backup generator, giving them at least some light so they could save their flashlights.

It's a temporary comfort, they know. But on nights like this, with the four of them on the roof gazing at the clear night sky, they try not to think about it.

"One of you, pass me that bottle." Iwaizumi leans forward, reaching towards Makki and Mattsun, whose head is resting in the other's lap. Makki hands the alcoholic drink to the other, who then passes it along to Iwaizumi. With a quick nod, he takes a sip. The intense burn of the dark liquor down his throat dulls the pain of his injuries, among other unspoken pains.

"Hey Shittykawa, want some?"

He gestures the bottle towards the brunette sitting with one leg hanging off the edge of the roof, the other beside him propping his elbow in a horizontal position. The man turns, a dirty hunting knife in his right hand slowly cutting away at the long hairs framing his face.

"I don't do dark."

"Well you can't be picky now, Rapunzel." Matsukawa teases, earning a light pat to his head from Makki, and a smirk on the corner of Iwaizumi's lip. While Oikawa keeps the hair around his face short, much like his high school style, the rest has grown long enough for him to tie into a low messy bun with a dirty blue sweatband.

"You're so funny." He responds with a sneer, " I'll pass. Besides, one of us has to be on the lookout, and since I'm your fearless leader, I'll take the responsibility. You can thank—"

"Says the guy that freaked out about a mouse running across his sleeping bag." Iwaizumi interrupts, taking another swig from the glass bottle, this time licking the remnant from his lips after they curved into a grin.

"HEY. This whole thing started with rats okay? Don't blame me for being cautious." Oikawa pouts, swinging his other leg over the edge until his back faces the cackling bunch. Then it goes quiet, and the air seems to grow heavier.

"This whole thing..." Matsukawa sighs, throwing the dried stick he'd cracked into pieces in the burning fire. "You think this whole thing will ever end? It's been nearly 2 years, I think."

"Doubt it. I'm sure most people in the world are dead by now." Makki scoffs, running his fingers through Mattsun's dark waves.

"Dead, but still roaming around." Oikawa continues, slicing a lock of his fringe at his nose. He watches the strands separate and fall to the street below. "I'm surprised we've made it this long..."

There's a lingering silence, despite the distant ruffle of old newspapers and magazines fluttering across the pavement, and small car fires that threaten to burn them. Matsukawa sits up from his boyfriend's lap, crossing his legs to sit beside him. The two had revealed their relationship sometime before shit hit the fan. The others were happy for them, and still are.

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