Seijoh: Part III

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Oikawa shuffles backwards, the broken glass scraping the palms of his hands. He can hear the commotion outside his apartment. Screaming, cars crashing and explosions. His heart is pounding in his ears, his breath is nearly nonexistent. He winces when his back hits the wood of his bedroom door.

"M-mom??" His nephew's voice is weak, almost pleading.

"Takeru no!"

Oikawa shouts, but no sound comes out. He tries to call his nephew as he walks closer to Oikawa's infected sister. Her blood shot eyes snap from the brunette to her son, stumbling as she turns her body in his direction. Her outstretched fingers twitch and strain until she gets a handful of Takeru's shirt. A sickening gargle leaves his sister's throat as she throws herself at her son, teeth bared.

Oikawa can't move. He's frozen, despite his mind screaming at him to help his nephew. Takeru falls to the ground, a sharp cry mixing with the sounds clouding the brunette's mind. His sister sinks her teeth into her son's shoulder, tearing flesh from bone. Blood pools in the carpet beneath them, and his nephew lets out blood curdling screams. He begs for help. Help from his uncle, whom up to this point was paralyzed with fear. His sister raises her body, giving Oikawa a clear view at his mangled nephew, who's blood is starting to spill from his own mouth. Takeru's eyes are wet with tears that roll down his cheeks and mix with the blood spewing from his neck.

Oikawa scrambles to his feet, rushing to the kitchen and grabbing the serrated knife he was using to make dinner for his visiting family. He runs back, not hesitating while he plunges the blade into his sister's, no, the monster's skull. She whimpers, falling limp on her son. Oikawa screams, a sound from himself that he finally hears, as he shoves the dead body off his nephew. Takeru coughs up blood as Oikawa pulls him into his lap.

"Takeru! Hey... it's o- shit... no. no." He cries, his eyes widening at the massive wound on his dying nephew's left shoulder and neck. He can clearly see the exposed bone through the torn muscle tissue, the veins bitten open shooting blood into the gaping hole.

"Un-uncle... T-Toru..." His nephew chokes out, grabbing a weak handful of Oikawa's shirt, staining it crimson.

Oikawa sobs as the light fades from his nephew's eyes. He squeezes his eyes shut, feeling Takeru's hand fall weightless to his side with a soft thud. Suddenly the room is silent. The only sound coming from Oikawa as he sniffles and whines over the dead body in his lap. He wipes his running nose with his sleeve, taking one last look at Takeru. His eyes are red and lifeless.

"I'm sorry... I'm so sorry..." The brunette whimpers, raising his fingertips to gently close his nephew's eyes. He takes a shaky breath, shifting Takeru's body to the floor.

Oikawa thinks he sees his nephew's bloody fingers twitch. He thinks he hears a breath escape his lips.

He sees Takeru's eyes open.


Oikawa violently sits up, nearly hitting his head on the underside of the staircase. His breathing is erratic, and he's drenched in sweat. His left hand clutches his chest, feeling his heartbeat thumping rapidly. His widened eyes squeeze shut as tears form behind the closed lids. It's been so long since Oikawa had a nightmare that lucid, one that was more of a memory than a horrifying scene made by his imagination. He swallows harshly, swinging his feet over the edge of the metal frame. He wipes his damp forehead, then dries his hands on his pants. Oikawa's elbows rest on his knees as he hunches over, his head hanging low while tears fall to the floor.

His sister and nephew had come to visit Oikawa after he returned from studying abroad in Argentina. It was a surprise, and he was shocked to see how much Takeru had grown. His nephew continued playing volleyball once he got to high school, even attending Aoba Johsai like his uncle. Since Oikawa didn't know they were coming, he had nothing planned for dinner. While his sister insisted on them ordering in, Oikawa refused, wanting to make a few recipes he'd learned in Argentina. He went to the store, grabbed a few things he needed that were seriously difficult to find in his usual grocery store. On his way home, he'd seen a few police cars and ambulances, but thought nothing of it since accidents often happen near his home. The intersection was pretty dangerous with blind spots and constant malfunctioning traffic lights.

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