Seijoh: Part IV

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"I can't believe it took you nearly dying to admit you're in love with me, Iwa-chan. So cliché."

The brunette teases, sitting on the edge of the somewhat unstable metal bed. The two moved from the bloody table, Iwaizumi assisted against his will by the other, insisting that he could walk just fine.

A lie, but it's Iwaizumi. While he has regained some feeling in his right leg, it still pains him to put his body weight on it.

Iwaizumi shoves Oikawa's shoulder, "About as cliché as you writing me love letters to me in Argentina and never sending them."

"I wrote two okay?!"

Iwaizumi's hand rests on his chest as he puts on an act, "Dear Hajime... how do I love thee, let me count the ways... love, Shittykawa."

"You would have cherished those words forever."

"I would have shown everyone."

Oikawa opens his mouth to respond, but pouts instead, "I can't tell if you're trying to be sweet."

The spiky haired man laughs, pulling his bottom lip between his teeth as his face flushes warm.

A moment of silence shrouds them before Oikawa turns, checking the bandages covering Iwaizumi's wounds for any signs of bleeding. His fingers drop from the gunshot in his right shoulder, to the gash in his left side, but they remain on his abdomen. Oikawa's eyes examine the other's injured right leg, before flicking back to the blue eyes he finds so comforting.

"Why didn't you say anything?" He asks, his words littered with regret for not admitting his own feelings sooner.

Iwaizumi's left hand reaches, tucking a lock of hair behind Oikawa's ear, and the brunette leans into his warm embrace. "I'm not sure." He sighs, continuing, "I want to say neither of us had the time for that kind of stuff. But, that's a load of crap. We practically lived at each other's houses. Hell our parents thought it was strange when one of us wasn't with the other. I was just a coward, worried that–"

"We might mess up what we already had?" Oikawa finishes, earning a soft chuckle from the other, followed by a nod.

"I honestly couldn't tell if you felt the same for a while. You dated a few girls back in high school, I assumed you were straight then."

"None of them lasted very long though–"

"Because you're so mean... ow!" Oikawa winces when Iwaizumi taps the back of his head.

"It was because they weren't you, idiot. I was going to tell you when we graduated, but then you told me about your internship... on the other side of the world."

"I wanted to leave Japan, something new you know? But," Oikawa fingers fidget with Iwaizumi's pants, "I was so miserable. Sure I made friends, learned a new language, got a tan, relaxed on the bea–"

"Oh yea, sounds horrible." The other stares unamused, earning a snort from Oikawa before his expression saddens.

"Not seeing you, barely talking to you and the others... I hated leaving you. I'll never do it again." The brunette's head drops, hiding the forming tears in his eyes.

"Hey..." the dark haired man looks at the other while lifting his head, expression soft and reassuring. "We're here now, and I'm not gonna let that happen."

The two lean in, pressing their lips together. It's a feeling they'll never get used to, and they have years of longing to make up for.

Everything feels different now. Thinking back, the impact their confessions made on those memories have changed them for the better. Every strong hug from Iwaizumi after a winning game in high school suddenly felt tighter. Every quick glance caught by each other across the room suddenly seemed heavier. Iwaizumi wondering why Oikawa agreed to watch every Godzilla movie with him regardless of how many times he'd seen it, suddenly made sense.

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