Chapter 14

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Jade had spent her time worrying about Trevor's threat. She knew that Trevor sneaking out to see his boyfriend was the reason that Cain had been sick. She was not sure if he was infected or had just gotten the disease. Neither of these options were preferable over the other. If he is sick, he could die. If he turns into a monster, he might hurt someone in his family. She also did not know what Trevor would do if she told anyone. 

Jade also had another concern. If Cain had been infected, could the baby be infected as well? It was a genuine concern of hers. Did the baby have the ability to be infected? She had been in contact with Cain when he had first started getting sick, it could have infected either her or the baby. 

Jade had made sure to keep her distance from Trevor but not so much so that it made the others suspicious of either of them. From time to time, Trevor came over to her and wrapped his arm around her as the two of them talked to whoever they are talking to. Jade tried not to look visibly uncomfortable whenever he did this. Anyone else seemed to think they were being friendly with each other. Jade knew it was Cain's way of making sure she did not say anything. 

One morning as they finished breakfast, Cain grabbed the dishes and placed them in the sink, DeShawn washing them and Cain drying them and putting them away. Jade had stood up and stretched. She was trying to stay in motion throughout the day, not sitting around as her belly grew. She began to walk to the back door when Trevor suddenly wrapped his arm around her.

"Going somewhere?" He asked.
"Outside." Jade responded coldly.
"Mind if I tag along? I could use a smoke."
Jade looked back at Cain who looked at the two of them. He smiled in return. "Have fun!" Jade had told Cain prior to the visit that she hopes she gets along well with her family. He most likely thought that Jade was trying to get to know Trevor.
"Great, what path do you take princess?"
Jade continued to walk as she opened the door and down the porch steps.
"Hey!" Trevor said as he slammed the door and walked down the stairs. "You don't get to just ignore me like that."
"Or what?!" Jade snapped. "You've been manipulating me so that I don't tell anyone that you're sneaking out. You chose someone that you may not be with much longer over your family!"
"He's the love of my life. I need to see him. How would you feel if your days with Cain were limited?"
"Don't you even try to compare this to Cain and me! I've seen how ragged you look when you get home. The cologne isn't yours either. You screw him then come back here and act as if everything is fine while your brother might be dying."
"Oh please! As if the whole family didn't hear the two of you shagging after Thanksgiving dinner!" He snapped back.
"That was one time. You look like you just fell off a truck bed whenever you get back. You're not exactly subtle, Trevor." Her voice had turned from defensive to calm and stern.
"So what. You have no idea that that's what is causing him to get sick."
"He hasn't been out in a month. If he got a headache or felt bad for a day or two then got better, I wouldn't have thought anything of it. But his condition hasn't gotten better."
"At least he's able to get out of bed."
"But he's still sick! That's the point!"

Jade continued to walk on her usual path as Trevor made some excuse as to how his actions were acceptable, following her as she walked. Jade could smell the smoke from his cigarette, her irritability visible to him.


Jade got back a little bit ago, purposefully avoiding Trevor this time, not caring if Cain or his family were suspicious as to why. Towards sunset, the family had finished up dinner and Trisha and Harmony were doing the dishes as the rest of the family talked. 

"We need to go on a run soon." Cain said.
"Do you think you feel up to going?" DeShawn asked. Cain turned to Jade.
"I'm not sure. I feel fine but the baby is due any day, right Jade?" Jade had been staring at the floor, admittedly not paying any attention to the conversation. "Jade?" Cain asked again as he put a hand on her shoulder gently. She perked her head up, startled by the sudden feeling.
"Umm... Sorry, what happened?" She asked.
"The baby is due soon, right?" Cain asked.
"Yeah... Should be any day now."
"Do you think I should sit this run out?"
"I think that may be a good idea for this one, but that's up to you, Cain." Her eyes fell to Trevor. "We still don't know if you are all the way better."
Cain paused for a moment. "My head has been hurting recently. Maybe I'll just help make a list of what we need then I'll go on the next one."

The twins nodded. DeShawn went back to his laptop. He was constantly checking a site he found that was supposed to give the latest updates on the virus and any cures. DeShawn told his family any immediate and necessary updates. 

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