Draco took Katniss out of her bassinet and cradled her in his arms. She was still sleeping but he just wanted to hold the baby girl. Jane had been sleeping while Kat was. The blonde smiled at his wife. When his daughter started fussing, he knew he had to wake Jane up. She was either hungry or needed to be changed. It had been as if the new mother knew her little one would need her and woke up right as Kat started making fussy noises. 

Jane smiled sleepily at her husband, holding her hands out for the baby. Draco placed Kat in her mother's arms and watched as she latched. The Slytherin took a seat next to Jane. He leaned his head on her shoulder and tried to get some sleep. Madam Pomfrey had come in every so often to check hers and the little one's vitals. They were both stable and could go back to the dorms in the morning. Draco was happy to hear that! The trio would be in his dorm, all together, living their lives. 


Harry, Ron, and Hermione helped Jane and Draco get settled in the Slytherin dorms that next day. Blaise was happy babysit Katniss as the group moved all of Jane's things. Zabini changed, fed, burped, and was now trying to make the little one laugh. All he needed to do was make funny faces. She would start laughing and would keep going until he stopped. The boy discovered Kat's favourite game had been peek-a-boo. 

Once all of Jane's things were moved into Draco's dorm, Blaise gave Kat back to her mother. She smiled at her friend and held the baby in her arms as she sat down on the Slytherin couch. Harry took a seat next to his sister. Hermione and Ron joined them, smiling at the scene in front on them. Draco left the Common Room for a minute and came back with something in his hands. Jane eyed him suspiciously. He just smiled.

"What's that?" She asked.

Draco got down on one knee again, presenting his wife with what looked like a ring box. She gasped and handed Kat over to Hermione. Blondie chuckled. He knew they had just gotten married, but there was something he never gave the girl at their wedding. The reason being, he wanted to wait until their first child came into the world. Once he opened the box for Jane, she started crying. That was his mother's wedding ring. She never took it off when her and Lucius were married. Before the fighting, the lying, the deceiving, before everything took a turn for the worse.

He took Jane's left hand in his and began talking. She couldn't get through any of his sentences without crying. This ring meant a lot to the Malfoy-Black family. It had been a family heirloom that Narcissa inherited from her mother. Draco always knew he wanted Jane to have it. One day, she would be able to pass it onto Kat. Cissa gave it to her son the night he asked her to marry him. He had already picked out a ring for her, but the boy promised it would be Jane's in no time. And, here that day came.

"Dray? What-" She started but he cut her off. 

"You are the love of my life. We're officially married, meaning you're stuck with me for the rest of your life. This ring was given to my mother before she was married to my father. It's a family heirloom and she wants you to have it. If you'll take it?" He smiled.

"Of course." Jane whispered while nodding her head.

Draco chuckled, sliding off her wedding ring and putting the Malfoy one on her left hand. Once he fully stood back up, everyone was clapping and cheering for the couple. No one had ever seen two people so in love with one another. Especially between a Hufflepuff and a Slytherin. Those Houses could be considered sworn enemies. Mainly because the Hufflepuffs weren't afraid of the Slytherins, therefore none of them could bully the yellow and black House. 

It got under a lot of the snake's skins. How can they just not be affected by it? How can they just stand there with a straight face whenever the other House said something? What would happen of a Slytherin bullied a friend of a Hufflepuff? No one dared to find out. Jane was a prime example of a very kind but hot tempered Badger. Draco knew to avoid that side of her whenever he could, but sometimes it was impossible to do so. Their arguments would escalate and become something even bigger than it was when it started.

Jane took her anger out in a way that no one really expected. She wrote music, poetry, stories, anything that would take her mind off the problem at hand and give her time to calm down. When she was in her writing room at the Manor, Draco knew not to go in there unless he absolutely needed something or just had a death wish. Now that they have Kat, Jane's writing room was turned into her nursery. It would be the place she'd sleep, eat, play.

Surprisingly, the new mother was okay with having her room taken. She knew it would only be a matter of time before she could get a new one or they'd have to move because Draco wanted more kids. Jane had the thought that her lover might want one or two more, but she thought it'd best to wait to ask. She just got out of recovery from childbirth and really didn't have the energy to talk about more kids.

Jane was pulled from her thoughts when she heard Hermione call her name. She had been trying to see if the girl wanted to go out that night. That sounded fun, but Madam Pomfrey told her she should wait a few more weeks before doing anything crazy. Hermione smiled and said she understood, promising to bring her back some food from wherever they went. Jane rolled her eyes jokingly. Draco kissed his wife's forehead and told her he was proud of her. The girl's cheek held a light shade of pink. 

Mione gave Kat back to her mother. She had been getting a little fussy. There was a knock at the portrait hole. Draco said the password and watched the door swing open. Professor McGonagall had been standing there in her usual outfit. She smiled and stepped into the Common Room. The dungeons had a sort of musky smell to them, but Minerva didn't seem to mind. It was almost as if she was used to it and couldn't even tell it was really there anymore. Jane waved McGonagall over, moving so she would be able to sit on the sofa. She let the professor hold her daughter as she got up to get Kat some milk. 

Jane resorted to using a breast pump so she didn't run the risk of accidently flashing someone. Draco said no one would think it's gross or disgusting and she didn't have to use the pump if she didn't want to. Minerva had been making funny faces at Kat. The baby started to cry, making the Transfiguration teacher spring into action. Poor Katniss needed a diaper change. Draco came over and took his daughter, then brought her up to the changing table in the nursery. Jane went with him to make sure he was doing it correctly. If not, the diaper would fall off or it wouldn't be able to be used.

"Jane? You know you really don't have to use the pump. I know how much it hurts you." Draco repeated.

"Draco Lucius. I'm fine with it. It's uncomfortable, yes, but not painful. I can deal with the pump. Especially since it's helping in feeding our daughter." Jane kissed his cheek and hopped up on the counter in the nursery.

"Get down from there, you're going to hurt yourself." Draco shook his head with a smile.

"I'm good, thanks." She replied.

"What did you just say?" He stopped what he was doing and turned to face her.

"I said I was good." Jane knew where this might be going.

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