Sirius Black and Remus Lupin were sitting on their couch when there was a knock at the door. Black got up to answer it. He saw Harry Potter himself standing in the hall. He knew something was wrong immediately. Harry rarely ever came over unless he needed to talk to one of them. Remus smiled at the boy and made some space for him on the couch.

"What's the matter, Harry?" Sirius questioned.

"I've just been feeling off lately. I was wondering if I could talk to you both about it?" He said in a questioning tone.

"We're always here for you, Potter." Lupin smiled.

Harry went on to tell them about the dreams he had while he was locked up in Azkaban. They were the scariest ones he had ever experienced in his life. His dreams were full of Voldemort coming back and taking the lives of Jane, Draco, and Katniss. Sirius and Remus looked at each other, then back at Harry. The men didn't want to worry him but his dreams could be an indicator of the future. Voldemort could possibly return.

Potter knew Remus and Sirius were holding something back. He tried to ask them about it, but they continued to shrug it off as if it had only been a dream and it meant nothing. Dumbledore would be hearing what went down though. He needed to know what was going on with the boy who lived. Especially, since this had to do with Voldemort.

After awhile, Harry excused himself back to the school. Remus and Sirius had begun to think about what he said. What if Voldemort does return? Would he really go after the Malfoy family? Are Jane, Draco, and Katniss actually in danger? Neither of them wanted to wait any longer to get this information to Dumbledore, so off to Hogwarts they went.


Hermione, Ron, Luna, Neville, and Blaise all sat together at dinner one night. They were deep in their conversation about something, when Snape came bursting in with a worried look on his face. Blaise was the first one to approach the professor and ask what's wrong. Severus never answered. He just looked at him with the terrified expression, pushing past the student and making his way to the professor's table. 

Minerva questioned him, too. He spilled the beans to her, knowing the only person she would ever tell is Albus. She looked at him with the same fear he came into the Great Hall with. No one knew what was going on. Once Albus had appeared behind him, the two decided to tell him together. Severus started and let Minnie finish. Dumbledore tried to keep a straight face while he spoke to the students. Harry could tell something was off with the Headmaster. It wasn't long before he started to address the entire school.

"Students of Hogwarts, there is something we need to discuss. We have very strong reason to believe that Voldemort has returned or is, at least, trying to. No one knows for sure. The staff and I thought it would be wise to warn all of you." Dumbledore spoke as loud as his voice could allow.

He wanted to be certain that every student heard the message he was saying. Ginny had grown quite uncomfortable with the topic of Tom. She'd been the unlucky one Lucius slipped his diary to, making her under Riddle's control. He told her to open the Chamber, talk to the Basilisk, and pretty much anything else he wanted her to do. No one blamed her, thankfully. Harry discovered her body in the Chamber just in time. He had been able to save her and get rid of the diary.

Ginny learned the black book was a Horcrux. It was enchanted with dark magic and preserved a part of Voldemort's soul. Dean apologized to her after the news came back that she was alive. He regretted ever being as arse to her. She never accepted the apology he gave her. Ginny completely cut him out of her life. Hermione made sure to tell the girl how proud she was of her. Harry took the place of Dean. Ginny couldn't have been happier with the Potter boy, but now she was getting side glances from the other students in the other Houses. 

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