FNaF: Torn by Innocence Ch.1

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Note: I know I was working on a Springtrap and Tangle story but I kinda lost nearly complete interest in it and am not sure on how to continue it. For now it is canceled but I might bring it back one day. This is a new Story and Tangle in this story will be very different. In this story she kinda won't know any better and will have a mind of a child but she will mature over time as she begins to learn more on how the world works and the harsh reality.

Springtrap had left Fazbear Frights to look for new parts for himself as he was having a hard time keeping his parts from falling apart. It was a good thing he chose to go out late at night when there are less people out and about. Springtrap knew where he was going. Sure some places had changed but not enough to where nothing was not recognizable.

Springtrap: "There it is the Warehouse is sure run down.

Springtrap goes inside and begins searching in boxes and rooms. He soon found some parts and started working on himself. It was sure painful for him to do repairs on himself. Most Animatronics would be turned off so they don't feel any pain and they also do not have a rotting corpse inside them. Well they did at one point but the Animatronic's only have souls in them rather then bodies inside them. Most of the Animatronics do know who their killer is and what had happened to him. Springtrap at times do wonder if he does regret anything or not. He was a sick person to be around and can turn on someone. Even as a Hybrid Animatronic he still kills anyone who trespasses in the Horror Attraction. Springtrap continued to repair himself and kept himself from screaming in pain. once he was done he rested a bit and decided to look around a bit more. He was here when he was still Human but he had not been here in a long time nor had he came here very much.

Springtrap: "Wow...Henry sure did not keep up with keeping this place neat and tidy. Then again....We don't even like each other now.."

Springtrap then heard something scrapping around. Was there an Animal stuck here or did a stupid Worker got himself locked up in a room and he had no way of calling for help. Springtrap smiled a bit as he thought it would be a perfect time to kill before he goes back to his home. He continued to follow the sand until he was in front of a locked door.

Springtrap: Huh...Failed projects ?"

Then the scrapping was louder then before. Springtrap tried the door but as he expected it was lock so he begin kicking it down. It soon came off its hinges and the noise went quiet. Springtrap then flips the light on and hard something moving fast like something was trying to hide. Springtrap walked in and saw something going under a Table; he gets on his knees moaning a bit in pain He saw what almost looked like Mangle ?

Springtrap: "What the ? Mangle ? I thought you were back with that poor excuse of a Fox."

Tangle: "M...Mangle ?....Whats a Mangle ? I am a Tangle."

Springtrap was confused by that response until the Fox came out and he saw that instead of pink the Fox was green and she had Purple lips and cheeks and a purple bow as well. He noticed that her eyes were black then Springtrap remembered. She was an Animatronic that he once was working on his own and wanted her to be Toy Foxy at one point. But Henry stated that she was to creepy for Kids due to his daughter being scared of Tangle and he forced Springtrap to remake Toy Foxy and put Tangle away which upset him at the time as Tangle was his favorite. How long was she active ? Tangle crawl towards Springtrap nervously and started to sniff him. He backs up a bit as he felt that she could smell his stench.

Springtrap: "Give me some space there Tangle."

Tangle: "Space ? What is space ?"

Springtrap's Mind: "D...Does she know anything ?"

Springtrap sighs not knowing on what to do with Tangle. He stands up and begins walking away.

Tangle: "H..Huh ?"

Springtrap: "You can leave this place if you want to....You are no longer stuck here."

Springtrap did not know why he said that to her. She most likely did not understand him and she probably would end up dying if she tries living on her own. Though Springtrap felt he should not be to concern about her and begins to walk away. Tangle started to follow Springtrap and he turns around confused on why she is following.

Springtrap: "Um...Why are you following me ? Go on...Go....Somewhere else..."

Tangle: "F....Friend ?"

Springtrap: "Wha ? No...I am not your Friend."

Tangle: "F...F...F..Friend.."

Tangle's voice box starts to malfunction."

Springtrap : "I'm sorry...I can't help you."

Springtrap quickly started to run but then Tangle started to cry. Springtrap stops and looks back at her. She was crying like a little girl and it almost reminded him of his Daughter Elizabeth when she used to cry about something.

Springtrap: "What have I gotten myself into ?"

Springtrap turns around and goes back to Tangle getting on one knee looking at her.

Springtrap : "Alright you can come but...Don't start giving me any problems okay."

Tangle smiles at Springtrap and touching his face which made him move away.

Springtrap: "Look I will have to teach you about boundaries soon."

Springtrap picks up Tangle thinking that she would be too slow to keep up with him. Springtrap wondered on what uses he can put up to. 

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