FNaF: Torn by Innocence Ch.2

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Springtrap got back to Fazbear's Fright with this unfnished Fox. She seemed to be quiet for the most part probably due to her looking around as they walked. Though Springtrap does ask himself on why he felt like taking this Fox. Surely she knows some things before being locked up in storage or was she not active when before all this ? He did start to remember on how excited he was about Tangle saying that she will be best part of the Shows. Tangle was his favorite at one point but Henry then came in saying that she was too creepy for Kids and that a different Fox needs to replace her and be more pleasing. Springtrap still wonders on what got her to be alive. Tangle then suddenly went to another direction.

Springtrap: 'Hey were are you going!?!"

Tangle did not seem to answer at all. Springtrap should have known better then to ask someone who does not have an social skills at all. Tangle was chasing a Firefly.

Springtrap: "Uh...Tangle ? I think that was her name....Tangle! Come on!"

Tangle kept chasing the Firefly until she caught it. She slowly opens her hand and it flies away. Tangle seemed amazed by this. Springtrap sighs. This reminded him a bit of how his own Kids used to do that when they were still alive. It might him felt somewhat sad about the fact that he won't see his own Children like this anymore. Tangle just watched the Firefly fly up in the air. Springtrap then placed a hand on her frail shoulder.

Springtrap: "Come."

Tangle looks at him and then jumps on him.

Springtrap: "Hey! Get off!"

Tangle wraps herself around Springtrap and he sighs knowing that he can't get a Mangled Mess Animatronic off of him without hurting himself. Maybe carrying her this way would make the travel quicker. So he started to carry her making sure that there were no Humans in sight. He soon reaches Fazbear Frights. Tangle looks around not knowing on how to take in her new "home". It does beat being in a dark room.

Springtrap: "Well guess it will be your home. Now there are rules. Don't let anyone see you or.....Keep jumping on me like you just did earlier."

Tangle just looks at Springtrap not really knowing on what he said.

Springtrap: "Shit....She does not understand me.....I am not good at this.... I was horrible at teaching my own kids....Okay....Um...Tangle....I guess I will take you where you will stay."

Springtrap takes Tangle to a room to where she will stay at for the time being. He had no idea on what he would do with her. Maybe she might be useful later.

Springtrap: "This is your room....You...Stay..."

Springtrap puts Tangle down and points down trying to get her to understand on what he is saying. Tangle was confused.

Springtrap: " I did not think that being put in storage for so long would do this to someone....Well then again....You did not have any contact with any other Animatronics so I guess its not your fault."

Springtrap looks at the time and yawns.

Springtrap: "Anyways I am going to sleep. All that walking and carrying made me tired. Now please do not wake me."

Springtrap closes the door and was tempted to lock it. But if he did would she feel trapped like she did before ? He will let her again once he wakes up if there are no Night Guards around. Springtrap was torn with what to do.

Springtrap: "Wait...Why do I care if her feelings ? Its not like I......"

Springtrap remembered when he first made Tangle as a Human she was his favorite at one point. He didn't like it when Henry told him that Tangle was too creepy for Kids and that Mangle would make a better Toy Foxy. He took a peek in the room and saw that Tangle was fast asleep. He sighs glad that she actually went to sleep. Springtrap slowly goes to his Spot where he was found and sits against the wall and closes his eyes and went to sleep.


Henry was at the Storage as he felt that since William is trapped in a suit for 30 Years he felt that he would not remember Tangle.

Henry: "I finally have time to scrap this thing."

He saw however that the door to the Room Tangle was once in was open. He quickly runs in and saw that Tangle was gone. Henry was now worried that someone broke in and took some other things so he quickly did a whole run down. Besides a few parts missing everything else was not out of place. Whoever was here did not take anything that would be worth a lot of Money.

Henry: "This is strange....If they broke in then how come they did not take more then that Tangle Fox and a few parts ? It makes no sense...I really should have install cameras in here...Great...."

Henry was not in the mood for this. First Something happens at Sister Location and Ft Foxy can't be found and Ballora seems to be in pieces. He really hopes things can't get any worse. He still is unsure to do with William being stuck in the Spring Bonnie suit. He was glad that William is now living the rest of his days in pain and finding out on how it feels to becoming an Animatronic unwillingly but.....He had been hearing about Night Guards disappearing in the Horror Attraction and never being seen again. He knew that he can't just let William continue his Murders. But he still is trying to figure out a good plan on how to punish William before he finishes him off once and for all. Though he did not think that William had anyone left that he cares about. Pretty much all of the Afton Family is dead. But....He remembered someone...Ballora....Surely though she is in pieces she must still have Mr's Afton's Soul in her. Henry will have to think about it more.

Back at Fazbear's Fright sometime after Springtrap woke up.

Springtrap: "Crap did I slep to long again ? I better check on that Fox to make sure she is not getting into trouble."

Springtrap went to the room where he put Tangle in and saw that she was still fast asleep. He was relieved to see that she is still sleeping. He thought that she would be causing trouble right away. Springtrap then heard some audio of Children Laughing. He sighs as he did not understand why he could never find any Kids just some stupid Night Guard who thinks he found himself a good job.

Springtrap: "I better take care of that fool before Tangle wakes up. I don't want her to be seen by the Humans."

Springtrap stands up and gets ready to try to get to the Office. The Night Guard is usual is watching the cams. The Night Guard soon saw Springtrap in the cams and would play the Audio to keep him away.

Springtrap's Mind: "This is getting old....Why is there a Child laugh if I can't even find the damn Child ?"

Springtrap then goes into the Vents as he knew that they would lead to the Office. The Night Guard sighs as he lost track of Springtrap. Just then he heard some banging and before he could switch to the Vents on the Cams Springtrap came pouncing at him screaming in his face. The Night Guard tries to fight back but Springtrap pins the Night Guard down with his weight. Springtrap then begins pushing his hand hard into the Night Guards chest until he pierces through it. He then then rips out the Night Guards heart which cause him to scream in pain. Springtrap looks at the pumping Heart and the Night Guard barely alive only lets out gurgle sounds as Springtrap crushes the heart. The Night Guard dies from this and Springtrap lets out a sigh. His thirst for blood is satisfied for the time being. He takes the Body and throws into a trap door.. Springtrap cleaned his hands after his works was done.

Springtrap: "There....Now I don't have to worry about Tangle being seen by a Human. And my needs fill fine now."

Tangle wakes up and opens the door and looks around. She wondered on what to do as this was new place for her. Springtrap then came to her and saw that she was awake.

Springtrap: "Oh...You're...."

Tangle then runs up to Springtrap and hugs him tightly.

Springtrap: "Hey I thought I said not to do this!"

Tangle is hugging Springtrap while crying. Why was she crying ? Springtrap did not know what to do. He had not comfort anyone since......Well.......His Children was still alive.

Springtrap: "Look...I am not the type that likes hugs or.....Helps with crying....Eh.....Foxes..."

He tries to push Tangle off of him gently but she had her arms locked around him.

Springtrap: "Why did I even bring her back with me anyways....Great..."

Tangle cries seem to get more quiet and Springtrap then felt her rub her check on his neck.

Springtrap: "Watch it that is tender."

Tangle soon stopped crying and she lets Springtrap go. She seemed fine now.

Springtrap: "So...You are done ? Good. Now please don't do that again."

Tangle begins to wander a bit and Springtrap quickly follows.

Springtrap: "Hang on....Eh.....I think maybe....We should try to teach you some things around here....First lets get you to understand things a little better and maybe hopefully get you to actually talk properly. Then maybe you won't act like a Child anymore. Springtrap then started teaching Tangle some things. Of coarse it was a bad start since he has not taught anyone for a long time and with Tangle on how she is it would be a struggle. So Springtrap spend the past week teaching her. She now seems to understand a bit better now. Though she still can't fully speak as she only seems to speak in sounds and gibberish. He hopes she will be able to speak fully soon.

Springtrap: "Hmm...No Night Guard for awhile....I wonder if...."

Tangle looks out the window.

Springtrap: "No. Tangle. We can't go outside."

Tangle gives Springtrap a sad look.

Springtrap: "Looking sad won't make a difference."

Tangle looks more sad and Springtrap just groans.

Springtrap: "Fine but only 10 Minutes and we are staying in this area."

Tangle runs outside and Springtrap follows with a sigh. He saw that Tangle went across the street and chases after her.

Springtrap: "Hey what did I just say!?! Ugh...I should have known she did not fully understand yet!"

Tangle then reaches a park that was surrounded by mostly woods and a pond. Tangle was running around while laughing. Springtrap looks around and saw that no one was around. Then again it is night so most would be at home at this hour. It was thankfully not that far from Fazbear's Frights. Springtrap just sits down on a bench and watches Tangle roll around in the flowers. Then it seemed like Tangle was doing something. 10 Minutes was soon up and Tangle came up to Springtrap holding a Crown of Flowers she made. She at first placed it on Springtrap's head. He had no idea on what to make of it.

Springtrap: "Uh...Well....Its nice...But I think it will look better on you."

He puts it on Tangle's head.

Springtrap: "Just as I thought. It looks nicer on you."

Tangle giggles and she yawns.

Springtrap: "Come on lets go back."

Springtrap begins to head back and Tangle follows. Tonight would be a goodnight's rest.

Henry had finally decided to to rebuild Ballora back to her normal state. Henry figures if William still had some kind of feelings for a Wife who probably hates him it might be a good way to punish him. Once Henry was done Ballora wakes up.

Ballora: "Huh ? I am not dead ? Where am I ?"

Henry: "Hello Mrs Afton. Do you remember me ?"

Ballora: "H...Henry!?!

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