FNaF: Torn by Innocence Ch.3

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Henry nods and smiles at Ballora.

Henry: "Its nice to see you again Mrs Afton."

Ballora: "I would say the same about you. Its been so long."

Henry: "With how you are now....I would imagined that your Marriage with William did not work out like you planned."

Ballora's expression turn to anger.

Ballora: "That bastard did this to me....After I saw what he was doing I tried to leave him without him knowing but....He found out my planned and well....I ended up like this....I don't know why he thought I would be happy to be an Animatronic. I guess he was hoping to make things work between us again or he wanted to control me more.....My,,,,,My poor Children....I don't know what became of them....I know that my youngest Son died thanks to William being to wind up with his work rather then his own Son. If he were to punish our Eldest sooner this would have never happened."

Henry: "I am sorry you went through that all...If I knew what was going on with you I would have helped you get away from him."

Ballora: "To be honest...If you were not married I would have married you instead."

Henry: "Heh....I never thought you felt that way about me...Its okay for you to say that.....My Wife committed Suicide after William killed Charlie."

Ballora: "Wait....William killed your Daughter!?!"

Henry: "Yes....She was his first Victim."

Ballora: "Oh my god! I am so sorry! I didn't know he did such a thing to you! So that was why you stopped contacting him and me....You must have thought I helped him with it....."

Henry: " No Mrs Afton. I know it was not your fault. It was mine for leaving Charlie at Freddy's that day when I went to work on something. I should have either stayed with her or just took her home....I did not think at the time that William would be such a Monster."

Ballora: "I bet that Bastard is still living at our nice house thinking he will never be punished for his Crimes."

Henry: "Yeah.....About that....You see...."

Henry explained on how William went from being William to being Springtrap.

Ballora: "So...That Bastard got killed by his own creation....How....Ironic..."

Henry: "And now.....He is living again as an Animatronic."

Ballora: "What!?!"

Henry: "Oh yes. He may be been killed in the suit, But like his Victims he came back.....I think him becoming Springtrap made him more blood thirsty."

Ballora: "...Oh my God....Why have you not done something about it!?!"

Henry: "I tried several times and he has nearly killed me and even taunted me about my Daughter's Death...I tried to not let it get to me....But.....That is my biggest weakness..."

Ballora: "I wish I could help with that."

Henry: "Actually...You can."

Ballora: "I can ?"

Henry: "Yes. I was going to ask if you could spy on him. I don't want you to be seen by him yet but I want to know if he is up to anything."

Ballora: "Why can't I just kill him ?"

Henry: "He might try to hurt you. Sure he might still have some feelings for you but if you said he is the reason why you are like this he might kill you again."

Ballora: "Over complicated plan....What do you want me to watch out for ? Him killing more people ?"

Henry: "Well what if he is planning to kill more Children ? What his weaknesses are currently."

Ballora: "Well since you fixed me and I will do it for you."

Henry; "Thank you Mrs Afton."

Ballora: "Please just call me Ballora. I don't want to share the last name with a Monster."

Henry: "Alright if that is what you want Ballora."

Ballora: "Want me to go now ?"

Henry: "Yes. Its night so it is less of a chance for someone to see you."

Ballora: "Alright. I will be back in a few nights. It might take me time to get there. Or...Are you to busy to take me there."

Henry: "Yes I am busy. Some things had happened in your own location. Ft Foxy is no where to be found for example. I thought that she would be scooped like Ft Freddy but she seems to have vanished."

Ballora: "She ran away after Ft Freddy helped her escape."

Henry: "What ? you mean like decades ago ?"

Ballora: "Yes. Though she tried to come back for Ft Freddy but Ft Freddy made her leave him. I don't know what happened after she escaped. But Ennard punished me for not stopping her. I think Ennard went looking for her under William's orders but he never found her. I don't know what happened to Ennard after that."

Henry: "Wow....Maybe Ft Foxy some how found refuge in one of the other locations."

Ballora: "Why do you want her dead ?"

Henry: "Well I would like to free all the souls but.....I don't know....Anyways don't worry about it. I have my own business while you have yours."

Ballora: "I guess you are right. Anyways I will see you soon."

Henry: "Alright Ballora. Be careful."

Henry gave Ballora a quick peck on the cheek and she blushes a bit and leaves. Henry had always liked Mrs Afton but he did not try to do anything romantic with her as he was already married at the time. It seems as though things might be going to plan soon. Despite Ballora being an Animatronic he is starting to realize that maybe he did always have feelings for her.

With Ennard....

Ennard: Alright Minireenas...I know that I broke Ballora but I will make things up to you if you help me. I need to find William and see what he wants to do next. Me finding Ft Foxy is not working out at all. Well at this point she must be dead now.)

The Minireenas nods as they really did not know what else to do seeing as how their home is now just a dump that no longer gets any Humans coming to work. Ennard hopes to find William not having any idea about him becoming and Animatronic.

With Springtrap and Tangle....

Springtrap was having a hard time sleeping. Tangle was back in the Room where she slept before. Springtrap wondered on how the whole Fazbear entertainment was going since he was Springlocked. He knew that his Former Friend Henry would be in charge since they were Business Partners. He was indeed surprised that Henry would still want to be part of a Business that lead to his Daughters death so he wondered if Henry is up to something.

Springtrap: "What can I do about it ? I had not seen Henry after....I took his Daughter away and plus he also moved from the house I remembered him living in..What ever. Not my problem....The only problem I have is how am I gong to feed my thirst for blood ?"

Springtrap then realized something. He could always go outside and wait for any late walkers to come by. Tangle is sleeping now so she won't get in the way and there would be no risk of her being seen. So he gets up and goes outside. It was quiet like usual during Night Time. Springtrap decided to walk a bit while keeping hidden in the Shadows. A couple Hours had past and he saw no one and was about to give up and head back how ever though he did finally see someone. It was some guy on a phone drinking and yelling. Springtrap was not sure on what he was yelling about. Probably drunk out of his mind.

Drunk Guy: "Oh...Hey...Excuse me....But I think I see some weird guy who thinks its...Halloween...."

He hangs up his Phone and looks at Springtrap.

Drunk Guy: "Hey....You know that its not even close to......H....H.....Uh..."

Then throws up. Springtrap sighs and decided to just knock out the guy. He then picks him up throwing him over his Shoulders and headed back home. Once he got home he quickly check on Tangle who is still sleeping. Springtrap then takes the Guy to the Office and straps him into the chair. The Guy wakes up in confusion.

Springtrap: "I am so glad that you finally woke up. You know....I have been dying to see another Human."

Drunk Guy: "W..What are you talking about ? Aren't you....Some weird guy in a Costume ? Can't you take it off ?"

Springtrap: "If I were to do that....Lets just say I won't be able to breathe anymore..."

Drunk Guy: "What are you talking about ? Are you drunk ?"

Springtrap: "You are one to talk...You know....I would give you a quick painless death but since I hate your type of people I think I will do something better."

Springtrap then picks up a blade.

Drunk Guy: "What are you!?! Psychotic!?!"

Springtrap laughs.

Springtrap: "You know I think you are sober enough to know the Answer."

Springtrap places the blade near the Guy's head.

Drunk Guy: "No....No....No!!!"

Springtrap applies pressure to the blade and it slowly starts to dig into the Guy's forehead. Springtrap was doing it slowly to savor the moment. The Guy starts to scream in pain. Springtrap continues to apply more pressure until the Knife reaches the brain. Springtrap then yank it out and the wound gushes out blood and brain bits as the Guy slowly dies.

Springtrap: "Ah....Now I feel better. It was nice for you to drop in and my oh my. You went to sleep like the others. I guess I will have to put in your eternal tomb."

Springtrap picks up the body and throws it where he throws the other bodes. Springtrap once again checks on Tangle and saw that she was sleeping still. Springtrap hope his need for blood will be enough for awhile seeing as how Tangle is taking up a lot of his time. Springtrap then went to get some sleep. The Next day he wakes up and saw Tangle right in front of him which made him jump.

Springtrap: "What the!?!.....Uh what is it ?"

Tangle: "S.....Sp......Spr......."

Springtrap was now more confused. What was Tangle trying to do ? Is she trying to talk now ?

Tangle: "Sp....Spring......Trap..."

Now Springtrap was really awake. Was his name really her first word ? Why ? Why out of all the words she would say would be his name ?

Springtrap: "Y....Yeah....That is me."

Tangle" Springtrap."

Springtrap was really in awe by this . A part of him kinda did feel good about it. He had not had anyone look up to him this way in such a long time. He never thought that Tangle's first word would be his name.

Springtrap: "Let me guess...You wane me to teach you more right ?"

Tangle then grabbed on to Springtrap's hands.

Springtrap: "Alright then."

Springtrap begins to teach Tangle more on how to talk more and such. He became more and more focus on Tangle that his need to kill has somewhat died down. Ballora is having a hard time finding Fazbear's Fright so that gave Springtrap more time. Henry grew concern to he tried to find Ballora. The Weeks past and it seems that Tangle went from having a mind of a Child to now acting more like a young woman. Though she is still naive to the world but she now is able to have a full conversation and is able to help around if she ever needed to help around the place. Springtrap was proud of himself and even proud of Tangle. He had at first thought teaching her and taking her in would just be a burden but he ended up like having her company. Tangle was indeed happy with Springtrap but she also long to see the world and meet others. Sadly though even though Springtrap grew to like her he also became somewhat overprotective. He does not want anything to happen to Tangle nor have her find out about his past or who he really is. He never told her that he is a Killer. Sure she might not know what that is but with how fast she was able to learn on how to talk she probably learn quickly that killing innocent people will be considered horrible. Springtrap did not want her to hate him and leave him. She seems like the only one now who actually likes him so Tangle is pretty much kept inside and hidden from anyone else though Springtrap did not want to risk Tangle being scrapped as he was planning on fixing her as he was busy making parts for her. Tangle on the other hand was a bit bored just sitting in the hall.

Tangle: "I have no idea on what I can do...The place is clean...I can't go outside....Unless its night out and I am with Springtrap....Then again.....I have gotten slower with my movement since it seems like my body is getting worse..."

Tangle sighs thinking that soon she will be completely useless how ever Springtrap finally came out.

Springtrap: "Hey Tangle."

Tangle: "Hi."

Springtrap: "I....I have something for you but....I will need to turn you off..."

Tangle: "Why ?"

Springtrap: "If I told you it would not be a surprised."

Tangle: "Will it hurt ?"

Springtrap: "It won't I promise."

Springtrap then turns off Tangle and then begins to fix her with the parts he made for her. It took hours but in the end his work was soon payed off. He turns Tangle back on and she wakes up.

Springtrap: "Hey there Tangle."

Tangle: "Springtrap....What happened ? Why do I feel a bit sore ?"

Springtrap helped her sit up and she saw that she was no longer Mangled.

Tangle: "Wait....I am complete ?"

Springtrap: "Yes."

Tangle: "But...I thought that.....You said no parts were ever made for me."

Springtrap: "I made you some parts."

Tangle: "You did ?"

Springtrap: "Yes Tangle."

Tangle tried to stand up but she wobbles a bit as she is not used to her new legs.

Springtrap: "It might take a bit for you to get used to your new body. I hope that you like it."

Tangle: "Like it ? I love it! Thank you so much!"

Tangle hugs Springtrap tightly.

Tangle: "You are the best Friend I ever had."

Springtrap: "I am your only Friend."

Tangle: "But you are still the best."

Springtrap slowly returns the hug and smiled a little. It was not the same smile he would make when he killed someone. No. It was a happy one. Springtrap had grew to care for Tangle and all his hard work seems to have rewarded him a companion. He hope that he would never lose Tangle.

Springtrap: "You are my best Friend too."

Springtrap and Tangle had thought that their relationship would always be like this or maybe even more. Though fate can sometimes like to test that.

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