changing rooms⁵

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now, they lost him again. just great. jaemin was going to probably get home later than he wanted to. they no possible idea of where he could be in this huge mall, so most of the search was spent wandering around, hoping they'll see even a small glimpse of him.

jaemin felt the need to check is watch every now and then, warily seeing more and more time pass by. he could almost the incoming scolding from his half-brother and brother-in-law. he really wished renjun hadn't dragged him into this. they pretty ran around the whole second floor, but there was still no sign of jeno anywhere.

"maybe he's downstairs," renjun suggested and jaemin just nodded, hoping he was. "is there stairs anywhere that don't move?"

"what do you mean?" jaemin asked him, furrowing his eyebrows in confusion; he's never heard of moving stairs. but it then clicked in his head. "oh, you mean escalators. of course there's a staircase."

jaemin led this way this time, trying his best to remember where the staircase was. he hasn't been in the mall in ages, the last time being at least two years ago when he went with his group of friends. his family prefers go to outlets than the mall for whatever reason. weaving through the crowd and keeping his eyes peeled, he eventually found it.

"here it is, renjun," he turned around to see if renjun was still there, but he wasn't. worry overtook him — don't tell him he lost the angel somehow! but as soon as the feeling of worry came, it disappeared immediately when he saw the angel squeeze through the small space between two women and catch up to him.

"you run too fast," renjun panted, hunching over to place his hands on his knees as he caught his breath before looking up at jaemin. "i even considered teleporting to you, but i panicked because i couldn't see you anywhere to do that. i didn't know what i would do without you."

"oh, er — "

"i don't go to the human world as much as jeno does," renjun went on with a grateful smile before standing up straight. "so you're my helpful guide. anyways, where's the stairs?"

"here," jaemin pointed towards the staircase a a foot away, not sure how to respond to what he had said before. he guessed an awkward 'you're welcome' could've worked, but he was saved from forcing that out of his mouth. but there was a still a question he wanted to ask and he took the chance to when they started down the stairs.

"why did you drag me along on this? i didn't agree to this," jaemin said, glancing to his right as he waited for remjun's answer. but he was way at the beginning of the second half of the staircase instead of right beside him, gingerly placing a foot on the first step. jaemin fought back the urge to roll his eyes as he patiently waited at the bottom of the stairs.

after he determined they were safe enough, he walked faster than he was, but jaemin swore renjun just had an unlucky habit of falling almost all the time because when he reached the last few, he ended up tripping over his own feet and falling forward. thankfully, jaemin was able to catch the angel in his arms.

"thank you," renjun said softly, his eyes meeting jaemin's. for a few moments, he looked at them, completely transfixed by their sheer beauty, unable to hold back a, "woah, your eyes are really pretty."

jaemin just blushed. "i never hear that."

"oh, did i say that aloud? my bad," renjun freed himself from jaemin's grip, his ears having gone red. "a-anyways, we have a runaway demon to catch."

jaemin forced out a chuckle, though he didn't find those words funny whatsoever. "yeah, we do."

once again, their luck needed for finding him was wearing thin. there were probably even more stores they had to look through. after quickly entering and leaving three of them, they went for a fourth one: a really expensive looking one. as they walked in, jaemin thought with a pang of jealousy that he could probably never afford those clothes just by looking at the price tags.

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