where the moon touches the lake¹⁷

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the hospital became a dark forest. everywhere jaemin looked, there was a tall, dark tree looming over him. he felt a bit frightened by his surroundings since it reminded him strongly of a horror movie, while the angel and demon both looked unfazed.

"it's just down here," jeno pointed ahead and jaemin was amazed that he could see in the dark so well. "you'll know when you see it."

out of nervousness, jaemin grabbed onto the long sleeve of renjun's white robes as jeno led the way down the hill, sending them into further darkness. it seemed like jaemin would never be able to see anything other than layers of dark colours.

until they came to something that appeared to be glowing behind a wall of bushes and huge rocks with very sharp edges. jeno easily found a cut in the barrier to slip through. renjun followed suit but much slower as to not tear his robes, jaemin doing the same.

it was a huge lake. the moon was high in the sky, looking down above the light blue glowing water. it was extremely pretty and jaemin suddenly felt calm and content with life, as if the lake had enchanted him to feel that way. it was the only light in the entire forest.

"it's so beautiful," jaemin said aloud, making renjun look at him. jaemin returned his look, seeing the bluish light reflected in his light brown eyes.

"i know," he said quietly. for a few moments, their looks seemed to linger, the lake encouraging the feelings they had to, if anything, grow stronger. renjun then smiled. "hey jeno," he turned his head to see jeno staring at the opposite side of the huge lake. "it was a great idea to bring us here. jeno?"

"why is he here?" he said, sounding embarrassed.

across the glowing lake was someone else crouched down, their eyes closed and head bowed. at the sound of jeno's voice, it seemed to have alerted him, making the man raise his black-haired head. his dark, chocolate brown eyes were suddenly full of affection. "my little moon!"

he stood up and started hurrying away from where he was formerly crouching. renjun now looked amused.

"your dad calls you little moon?" he asked, holding back a giggle. "i guess that makes sense."

jaemin found out exactly what he meant as soon as the man neared. it was clear to see that it was jeno's dad, their relation clear in their faces. the shape of their eyes, both the exact same shade of brown, were very similar and their lips were the exact same shape as well. jeno's dad's nose was a bit different, being more snub-like, and he was rather short, being a head smaller than his own son.

"ah, prince huang renjun!" the second demon king said with a wide grin that just proved jeno was a nearly perfect carbon copy of him. "nice to see you here. i assume my little nono dragged you out here, didn't he?"

jeno went red in the face at the sound of his nickname, but his dad didn't notice his reaction.

"well, his idea, but i wanted to come," renjun said. jeno's dad made a noise of amusement before his eyes trailed over to jaemin.

"who's this, nono?" he looked up at his son. "is he a friend of yours?"

"yes," jeno mumbled. "his name is jaemin."

"oh," the man nodded before turning to jaemin and holding out his hand. "shin dal, the second king of the demons. of course you've heard about my husband, jeno's other dad. but anyways, this place really calms your nerves, y'know?"

"yeah," jaemin said with a smile, shaking his small hand.

"nice to meet you, jaemin," dal said.


"i already like you," dal said before looking at jeno again. "you always choose such great friends, little moon."

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