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It's been a week since that all happened and I'm Nervous around Billie. Since that, almost kiss happened, me and her have been a little bit awkward around each other. Today we made plans to go out and hang. Jess was not informed about this and I don't know if I should tell her. Maybe I should text Billie to see what I should do.

Your bitch 😻

Hey Billie! I just realized I didn't tell Jess that we were going out
Should I tell her?

You can tell her if you want, I don't really care 😩
I sat there for a few wondering if I should tell her or not. I kind of wanted it to be just me and Billie so.. but would it be a dick move if I just hang out with our friends without her? I'll just bring her back something to make up for it.

I won't tell her it'll just be u and me 😛
Plus I think she is busy

Aight bet c u in a few mamas 🥴
I always forget every time I text her that her name is Your bitch on my phone. I should probably change it soon, but not know.

I got up out of my bed and walked over towards my closet. What should I wear? I don't want anything too fancy since we're just going places to hang out but I also don't wanna look like a bum on the side of the road. I felt my cat rub against the side of my leg as she meowed.

"Hello Kitty," I smiled " do you know what I should wear?"

Rey flopped over onto her side landing on my foot. I patted her head and looked back into my closet. I'm just going to go the easy way out and wear a hoodie and shorts. I change into my clothes and run out of the house to go to Billie's. I knock at the door hoping that Billie is going to answer and not her family members. To my luck, maggie opens up the door.

"Oh! Hello Y/N, hear for Billie?"
"Yes ma'am,"

I didn't question why she knew my name but I'm getting a little curious. I've never talked to Billies mom, I've only seen her in the background of when we FaceTime or whenever Billies outside her front yard running over to me, I see her mom in the doorway.

"Come in, sweetie, Billies taking her sweet time on getting dressed right now."

I giggled and walked into the house and sat on the couch. Finneas was on the couch too and wave to me. I guess it's just the three of them home. The mom passed me a cup of homemade lemonade. I took a sip as a small smile came across my face.

"This is delicious,"
The mom smiled as she sat down with her cup across from me.

" so tell me, how did you meet my daughter? She's always talking on and on about you, but I barely know you."

My face is flushed slightly as I heard her say that Billie is always talking about me. That dork.

" well, I was heading to school and I saw her standing in the front yard and she waved to me, and then when I got home from school she came over with a plate of brownies and we became friends after that,"

The mom smiled

"I'm happy to see that she's more open with getting friends and is not reserved. She used to be scared of making new friends because she thought they would all use her for fame, I'm happy you don't do that. She tells me that you're a very loving girl and you didn't even know she was famous at first. She said that you were a very genuine person around her and you were able to hang out with her and not care about anything."

" I think she's a very genuine person too," I looked down at my lemonade " she's one of the closest people in my life at the moment and I care for her very much. We may have not known each other for a very long time, but..."

I looked up into Maggie's eyes.

"I love her. She's one of the best people I could ever ask for."

Finneas lifted his head from his phone and looked over at me and smiled.

" you guys both care about each other very much," I looked over at Finneas " I hope you guys can remain friends for as long as possible. I like you, Y/N."

My face flushed even more as I remembered I said I love her in front of her family. God, way to embarrass yourself, Y/N.

Maggie opened her mouth to say something but then got interrupted

" Are they bothering you, Y/N?"

I turn to see Billie standing there. I smiled and shook my head.

" Nope, they're treating me well,"

"Wow always expecting the worst from us, Billie." Finneas laughed as he looked back down his phone

"Come on, let's go." Billie signaled me to get up

I finish the rest of my lemonade quickly and put the disposable cup in the garbage.

"it nice seeing you guys!" I waved at billies family

" likewise," Maggie said as she stood up

"Cya" me and Billie chimed and at the same time

I went into Billie's car and sat in the passenger side as she went to the driver's seat.

As she pulled out of the driveway and started heading driving straight into who knows where she put her hand on my thigh and started talking

"So, what were they saying?"

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