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I was lying on the couch scrolling through social media seeing photos of me and Billie together and people wondering who I was. I let my arm slump over the couch as my phone slowly rolled out of my hand.

A lot of the Internet now knows my face, and that doesn't sit right with me. I've never been someone that loves their face being showed around everywhere. I'm very much an introvert and we even talking to Billie has been so much considering I don't have friends.
I groaned and rolled over so my face was stuffed in the couch cushion. I can't think of anything to do because there's nothing I can really do. You were caught with a celebrity that everyone adores that you barely even knew and is now your friend. How would you explain that?... but it's not like anyone cares about me because I'm not a celebrity here. I didn't do anything.

I heard the door swing open which alarmed me and I snapped my neck over to the noise. I see Jess walking with Billie with their arms interlocked. I gave a confused look towards Billie and she shrugged. Weird...

"Oh, hey Y/N! I invited Billie over, I hope that's OK" Jess smiles

" oh I have no issue with her just don't be too loud, my head kind of hurts" I responded as I rolled over to face the cushion

Just scurried to her room while dragging Billie behind. I could tell Billie didn't want to be holding onto just like that but it's whatever. She'll speak her mind, I know she will.

My eyes closed here as I was starting to drift to sleep, but at the same time, I wasn't. I was tired and I want to rest but I can't. I don't know what it is. I felt annoyed, it's probably the fact that I am all over the Internet at the moment, or is it ... Billie and Jess... I'm not sure.


I jumped and turned to the voice to see Billie sitting on the ground face-to-face with me.

"Oh Jesus! Don't scare me like that." I giggled

She smiled

" you just look like there's a lot of stuff on your mind so I wanted to come to check out if you were ok."

Shit. Am I really that readable?

" oh it's nothing I was just scrolling through social media and it upset me a little bit."

"What was it?"

Should I tell her? I can trust her, but won't I seem like a pansy if I say something..?

Fuck it.

"It's just my face is all over the internet at the moment and I don't know what I should do or how I should feel... I probably sound like an idiot..."

"No, no you don't," she scooted closer to the couch so now our faces were inches away. " you're not used to this so you can't call yourself an idiot. I'm used to seeing my face up on the Internet of course but you've never experienced something like this and it was messed up for all those people to start surrounding us to take photos, so please do not call yourself an idiot."

Wow, she is gorgeous. I was staring directly at her blue eyes.

"Thanks, Billie."

We both sat there, staring. It was calming. No distractions, no nothing. just the two of us.

I started leaning closer to Billie if that's even possible she did too. What is this going to be at? Are we going to kiss? I feel like this is the right moment. My eyes glanced down to her lips and directly back to her eyes and she did the same. Come on y/n, her lips are literally centimeters away from yours, just do it.

"Billie? Where are you?" I heard Jess call out

Fucking hell.

Billie stood up quickly and put her hands in her pockets.

" Hey Jess sorry to keep you waiting, I was just checking up on y/n to make sure she was ok."

Jess peaked over the couch to see me roll over onto my back and stare at her.

"Hey," I stretched

"Hi. Come on Billie let's go back to my room." Jess rushed

Why is she being so rude to me? If anything, I should be I was about to have a nice kiss.

Wait a minute, I was going to kiss Billie. I was about to fucking kiss Billie Eilish.
Why am I only realizing this now? Is that what I want? Do I want a relationship with this woman I barely know? Oh my god, what the fuck is wrong with me..?

I'm falling so hard for her.

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