part five REWRITTEN

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Billie POV

I swing my door open to see her holding a blue and silver stripped gift bag in her right hand

"Hey Billie," she started as she caught her breath " I just wanted to like apologize for earlier cause I only realized after the fact that it was kind of weird I just started helping you bring stuff into your house without asking if you were OK with it." She stared at the handles of the bag, fidgeting with them between her fingers

"I hope you don't see me as a weirdo for that." She looked back up at me with her big eyes. Wow, they are beautiful

I stared at her, shocked needless to say. Here I thought she would think I'm a jackass and hate me, but she was thinking she was wrong because she helped me.

I laugh, but quickly cover my mouth

"Sorry, I wasn't laughing at you just the fact that I was the one being rude," I smiled as she tilted her head in confusion "Its just like,  you were being nice and I was having more of like a shut off attitude with you."

"I mean, you are of course stressed. You're moving in somewhere new" she finally starts to open up the mystery bag "Anyways, I brought you a house warming gift! I've never bought one for someone before, so uh I hope you like rosé and candles." she held the bag out to me with a warm smile

"(Y/N), you didn't have to," A lavender vanilla candle and a wine I've never seen, she's so nice.

"Don't worry about it! I hope you enjoy it,"  She played with a gold ring on her finger, I couldn't tell what design it was. What I could tell is that she just got her nails done, a simple French tip.

"I'll be heading back home now, so again, enjoy"

She waved as she walked off my porch, but I felt off. I wanted her to stay and enjoy the wine with me, for some reason. I want her to think I'm not a weird asshole. I think I only feel this way because I feel bad that she gave me something and I haven't gave anything in return

"Wait!" I yelled out as if she wasn't just seven feet away from me. Her head turned, the breeze making her hair dance in the wind ever so slightly. God, she's really stunning.

"I- uh" I stammered before clearing my throat "Would you like to stay and have this wine with me? Or- erm- like lunch? I feel bad not giving you any," Holy shit, do I always sound this stupid when I talk? Someone shut me up.

"Oh! I would love to, but I actually have an online class that I need to get to. Im actually running a little late to it now" fuuuck.

She's late to her class because she wanted to get me a gift and now I made her feel like she needs to stay here with me. Im so embarrassed, I don't know what to say

"But," I look up at her as she checks her phone "How about dinner? I'm free tonight, but only if you want to" she smiles back to me

"Yeah, that would be great!" I beam "I can order something for us. Would it be ok that it's vegan?"

She hums in approval while putting her phone away

"Perfect, come at like 6? Have fun with your class!" I wave to her as I grab the doorknob

"I won't!" She pipes back while waving earning a laugh out of me

I close the door with a giddy smile on face, still gripping onto the gift bag. I need to figure out what I'm going to make! She's going to come over and-

Before I could even finish that thought I stared at my supposed living room that is just boxes galore.

Oh my god she's coming over. 


649 words

Im starting college in like 3 days omg

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