The Second Date

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This date was literally the next night. 7PM.

I was getting dressed for our second date...I wore a ice blue dress that flowed to the floor and glittered. I wore a small tiara with matching jewelry. I also but on some makeup. I hear a knock and went to the door. Thrawn had came and wore a white tuxedo.

"Aww. Blueberry, you look very handsome." I said purring.

For a brief moment, I think he blushed. I smiled which made him extra quiet. He clears his throat.

"Nivera.....t-thank you. I appreciate the complement. You're very beautiful yourself in that dress....the iciness suits you...." he stopped and felt like he must've spoken out of turn.

"'re ok. Relax. I love ice blue. You're correct. Continue."

He looks at me and pulls me close.

"I love it. As much as I love you, my Kitten." He whispered in my ear.

I purr and nuzzled his cheek.

"I love you too. Now....let's go eat. I'm starving..." I chittered.

He chuckled softly.

"Of course love." He said smiling lightly.

He lets go and held my hand and led me to a different room. It was another elegant lounge room similar to the other one.

I smiled.

"You're amazing with decor. Did I really inspire you?"

He nods as he pulls a chair out for me. I sat down. He pushes me to the table.

"You did. I love your art style." He said sitting down.

"Thank you. How are you feeling?"

"Much better, I had a nice nap." He said.

I nod and smiled. Little did I know, he had watched me train earlier that morning.

"Good." I said softly. I started eating some well done steak.

He smiles, pleased with himself a little bit. He started eating too.

"Were we going to doing anything after this-provided we aren't too full?" I asked him.

He nods. "I think we should free paint. Paint whatever inspires you."

I lit up. "YES! I have an idea already lined up."

He blinks softly. His eyes show surprise.


I nod.

"Yep. And I'm not saying."

He nods and we continued to eat. I finished early because I was excited. I sat there and watched him eat some mashed potatoes. He looks at me mid way eating and swallowed it quickly and blushed probably because I was staring and not to mention I was absolutely stunning. I could see his was feeling warm. I chuckled.

"You're blushing...."

"I-I am?" He stuttered.

I nod and he calmed down. After 2 minutes, he finishes. He quickly drank some water. He sets the glass down and took my hand.

"Would you like to dance?" He asked me softly. He blushes a bit.

I smiled. "Yes."

He was relieved and he led me to the dance floor. Immediately the room had a soft glow and a gentle waltz filled the room. He held me gently as we swayed to the rhythm. I was completely in wonderful bliss. He was happy to. We danced until the song ended. I smiled.

"That was great. I wanna paint now."

"Sure, of course...." he said looking at me with a lot of love in his eyes. He held my hand and left me to another art gallery. I walked an easel and smiled.

He walked away and went to his. I started making my sketch of us laying in grass. Thrawn stopped painting to see me concentrating and watched me a bit. I look up and see him staring at me with a cute smile and I HAD to look away and blushed. I used my curly mane of blue black hair to hide my face. After awhile, I continued to work. Thrawn went back to painting. I focused. I started painting......

4hrs later, 11PM

I was finished.

"I'm done." I said.

Thrawn came over and was in awe. He just kept staring at me in my ice blue and golden Smokian Sari. I wave a hand in his face.


He broke out of his trance.

"I love it...." he said blushing.

"Thank you." I said happily.

I went over and saw he had painted us as well. He was very cryptic about it. He had painted us in this store. He was shocking me with something and I was VERY happy about it.

"Blueberry.....what DID you paint?" I said stumped.

He smiled and came over.

"Step back."

I did and noticed the small details.

"Omw......we were engaged!? You had proposed!" I said happily.

I blushed slightly pink knowing it might be true some day. He nods.

"Mhm..." he said coming in close.

I kissed him. He kisses back and we stayed that way until I broke off because I wanted air. I laughed a bit. He blushed. And smiled.

"It's late. Let me take you back to your room." He said picking me up bridal style.

I blushed madly and nodded.

"S-sure...." I said softly. He took walked out and took me to my room. He entered and walked to the back of the Suite. He puts me on the bed and tucked me in. I meow softly. He smiled and kissed me good night.

"Sleep as long as you need, love. Good night Kitten." He said chuckling.

I chittered.

"I will. Good night Blueberry." I said sleepily. I fell asleep.

He nods and leaves the room and went to bed himself.  As he was closing his eyes, he smiled. The second date was a success....

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