Chapter 10

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Warning! Allusion to suicide (super duper minor, but still tagging just in case)

It was another peaceful day in SMP Labs, that is until one of your Lab partners barge into the room. It doesn't happen a lot, but today, it happened to one Dream W. Taken. 

"There is a mob of three people out there demanding to see you," George said, closing the door as fast as he can without breaking it. 

Dream let out a groan, "Yeah, I—I invited them here. Let them in." George nodded at him and went to fetch the family.

"Why, exactly?" Sapnap asked from behind one of the counters.

Dream sighed, "You know the Dream Pills? Yeah, there's been a complication with one of the volunteers. I told the family to come here so we can explain it much better rather than talking about it on the phone."

"They're here," George said, opening the door for the three men to come in. 

"Hello," Dream greeted them. 

"Enough with formalities," Phil started, "Just tell me what the fuck you gave to my son."

Dream let out a sigh, "Before anything, I'm just gonna assure you that everything we did was legal," he grabbed a piece of paper from Sapnap and handed it to who he assumed is the father. 

Phil read through the paper. It was a consent form. "I never signed anything like this," he said. 

"Are you sure you didn't sign anything?" George asked, "I checked the signature before giving the kid the bottle and it was too practiced and neat to be forged."

Phil thought back from before Tommy started acting weird. He doesn't remember signing anything since he's been off of work, except for..."Shit," Phil cursed. 

"Phil what did you sign?" Wilbur asked in an accusing tone. 

"Tommy made me sign a blank paper saying it was for a teacher 'cause he and Tubbo broke a window or something," Phil said. "He probably wrote this after i signed it."

"Why the fuck would you sign a blank paper?" Wilbur exclaimed.

"Don't ask as if you wouldn't do the same," Techno said, successfully shutting Wilbur up.

Dream coughed the awkward silence away, "Why don't we have a seat." He led the family into the laboratory and made them sit on a long table, the family on once side while he, George nd Sapnap sat on the other.

"We're gonna start off with telling you that Tommy isn't gonna die from all the pills," Dream said, "though it is a pill, almost none of the ingredients used are toxic and the ones that are aren't a large enough dose to kill him. He might be in a coma-like state right now, but it's not as if his body's gonna give up half way through it."

This reassurance made the three sigh in relief, tension leaving their bodies. "So," Wilbur started, "what do those pills do?"

"It's a pill that makes dreams more vivid and gives the person the ability to control their dreams to their liking, whether they realize what they want or not," Dream said. "Meaning, if a person like, for example, wants a huge house, but deep down they want a small cottage in the woods, they'd dream about the cottage. Though sometimes persistent outside factors can also influence the dream like if they hear someone trying to wake them up, they'd hear it in their dreams. "

"Oh, so that's why the doctor said the pill had things that can be found in sleeping pills?" Wilbur asked. 

"Yeah," Sapnap said. "That's why people drink only like one, maybe two per night 'cause it causes them to be drowsier than usual."

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