Chapter 5

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Tommy could feel a light breeze brush back back his hair, something prickly against his skin,  and the sound of cows mooing in his ears. 

Hold on. 

Tommy sat up, opening his eyes, confused. He looked around and found himself sitting against a hay stack, near a barn. 

"What the fuck?" Tommy asked himself. "Where the hell am I?" He stood up, brushing the stray hay on his arms as he walked around, trying to find someone—anyone that could possibly tell him where the he was.

Why is hay so itchy? He asked himself as he looked down, "AHHHH!" He screamed—a manly one he'd say. "What happened to my hand?" He observed his hands which were now tiny as fuck. 

Another conspicuous thing was his clothes. Since when did he wear overalls?

Then it dawned him. He was a child. A literal seven year old.

"Tommy! There you are."

Looking up he saw Phil running up to him from...their house. Their old house. The one at the farm.


He remembers this. They didn't always lived in the city. This was all before everything went to shit. Back then, Phil worked in the city while he, Wilbur and Techno stayed in the farm. Phil wanted them to live a simple life. Live somewhere peaceful where they could enjoy just being kids. They didn't need to go to school with other kids, they were mostly home-schooled. 

That changed when the twins needed to start middle school. Phil decided that homeschooling wont cut it 'cause they needed to learn more advanced stuff, so he sold the farm and they moved to the city where Phil works at. 

"Toms? You there hun?" 

Tommy snapped out of his small trance and finally noticed Phil waving his hand in front of him. "Oh, hey dad," he greeted. 

"There you are," Phil smiled at him. "Techno and Wilbur are going to the village nearby to trade some stuff, do you want to go with them?" He asked.

"Aren't you coming?" Tommy tilted his head.

Phil chuckled, "I would, but the carrots won't harvest themselves you know."

"Tommy! Are you coming with?" Tommy looked over and saw Wilbur approaching them.

"I could use some help ya know," Technoblade said from behind Wilbur and was carrying two baskets and a backpack. 

"I'll carry one 'cause I'm a big man!" Tommy said, rushing over to his older brother who gave him the smaller basket filled with lettuce. 

"Will you look at that, I have a new favorite," Technoblade said. 

Wilbur rolled his eyes as he walked to leave, "Please, we'll walk for ten minutes and he's giving back that basket."

"He is seven, Wil, you gotta give him that," Phil chuckled, waving goodbye to his boys.

True to Wilbur's predictions not even ten minutes later, Tommy has already given up, handing the basket to Wilbur. Tommy, free of the basket, ran ahead of the twins. "Don't go off too far!" Wilbur called after him. 

"If you get lost, that's on you!" Technoblade added. 

Tommy looked back at them, "Hurry up then!" 

The twins chuckled at the boys excitement, it wasn't everyday he gets to go to the village, and so they hurried their pace. They arrived at the village in no time and Wilbur grabbed Tommy's hand. "I'm not a baby," Tommy complained. 

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