Chapter 18

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Dream was messing around with his pen as he read a passage in one of the books in their lab when his phone let out a loud 'Ping!'Leaning forward, Dream opened the message. It was from Callahan who was stationed at the front desk.

"There's an angry looking dude looking for you? Should I send him in?" Dream read the message out loud. He frowned, typing a message back, 'You give me one descriptor which is ANGRY, and you're asking if you should let them in? What do you think??'

He sighed, wondering what it was this time. As far as Dream could recall he hadn't been doing any experiments considering last time...Another 'Ping!'

'Kay, sending him up! Watch the attitude.'

Dream felt his eye twitch. That little..."We have company," he announced, turning to face his labmates. "What the fuck are you two doing?"

Sapnap who was holding a dartboard and George aiming a dart suddenly whipped their heads towards Dream. "Darts, obviously," George shrugged.

"In the lab...where there is glassware and chemicals everywhere..." Dream let out a low sigh, bringing up a hand to his forehead, "That's it. We're getting fired. I'm giving it a week, max." They were lucky enough that Phil didn't push charges against them for experimenting on a minor. Not that they knew Tommy was a minor and forged his parent's signature.

There was a 'Ding!' as the door to their lab opened, revealing a familiar brunet. "Wilbur!" Dream greeted, "What brings you here?"

Wilbur stopped in the middle of the room, his arms crossed, eyes glaring at them. "You said ten days. Why hasn't he woken up yet?!"

"We told you, ten days is an estimate," Sapnap said, putting away the dart board.

"It's been more than that, we've been waiting but nothing seems to be happening," Wilbur said.

George walked forward, "We did warn you about the pills making things seem real and Tommy possibly not being able to differentiate it. Until then, he might not wake up yet."

"So what? We just sit here?!" Wilbur exclaimed, "Can't you guys, like, find a way to get rid of the effects of the pill or something?"

"It's already in his system, not much we can do about that," Dream said, "Not to mention, it's past the estimated date, so it's all up to Tommy since what's happening is basically his own brain's doing, not the pills'."

"Your best bet's gonna be talking to him," Sapnap said, "Tell him about what happens and convince him to get back to reality."

Wilbur gritted his teeth, "That's what we've been doing. Kinda hard when you can't exactly tell if he can hear you in the first place..."

Dream raised an eyebrow, "What do you mean?"

"What do you mean, what do I mean?" Wilbur gave him a look of confusion. "It's not like he's talking back, he's basically in a coma."

"No," George started, "We mean, haven't you talked to him."

"Was sure you'd have immediately after the estimated date had passed," Sapnap added, which only brought forth more confusion from Wilbur.

"What are you talking about??" Wilbur questioned, "We talk to him everyday, he's never once shown any indication of earring us. Least you can do is make something that can possibly help us connect with him more!"

"We did!" Dream exclaimed, "We gave it to your brother ages ago!"

Wilbur's eyebrows furrowed, "...What?"

"We gave Technoblade pills that he can take that can connect his dreams with someone else's, he only needs physical contact with the person," Dream explained.

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