The Beginning

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Never in the world, I ever knew,
Come on, Come on
Let's wake the world up,
Come on, Come on
Let's see the stars, tonight ohoho

Duh! What a great singer you are...Proud of you. Looking at the mirror I was laughing at myself. 

By the way, I forgot to introduce myself right! I am Addison Hailey Saundres. I am 19 years old. I am an orphan. I live with my friend Emma Lockwood. Her parents treat me as their own daughter, that is, so lovingly.

"Stop singing Addy, my ears are bursting. Come fast we gotta go to school and work later on...Hope you remember we have a night shift today.", said Emma.

Ofcourse I don't but whatever I will say, "Yes, I do."

We changed our clothes. Our outfits are below:



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"Come on Addy, you gotta wear clothes that impress others, not those that make you comfortable

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"Come on Addy, you gotta wear clothes that impress others, not those that make you comfortable."

"Ems you know I am not interested right?"

"Ofcourse! But you need to change that."

"Okay, let's see."

The school was boring as Usual. But we need money, so now we are going to the cafè to work.

Mr Martin was the owner of the cafè. He is a very kind person. He gave me this job when no one was. He and Emma were the only people who knew whom I was running from. 

I ran once. I don't think I can run twice.......

"Addy, Addy, AADDDDYYY"Emma was shaking me.

"Yeah Ems, guess I was daydreaming." "Addy, you know he can never come back right, we changed our identities, came away from our parents to keep them safe. He can never get us."

"Ofcourse Ems!"

Hey guys,
Hope you liked this chapter. In the next chapter, I am sure your mouths will be hanging open. LOL!! So in the next chapter, there will be more introductions.
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