The Meeting

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Emma's POV:
I never knew Addy would be this affected by this. 

2 years ago:
I and Addy live in California with our parents. My parents and Addy's parents were best friends. We meet every year in the summers. When I and Addy were 10 her parents were met with an accident... Addy's family was just behind her for the property. They never cared about her. Ever since Addy has lived with us. 
Addy and I were 17 years old when this happened. 
Addy and I went for a walk in the woods in the evening. 

It was pretty dark

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It was pretty dark. We got our phones though, to use the torch. Well, I thought we did until...."Emma my phone has no signal. We need to call our parents and inform them not to wait for us. Could you give me yours?"

"Yeah sure, here you go." 

"Emma you mad or what? What's wrong with you? You carried the phone cover instead of the phone. God! You are hilarious." 

"Wait! I remember I got the phone, let me see, you blind women." 

"Ofcourse I am blind, here you go, see it...."

Wait I seriously got only the phone cover. 
"Hehe, sweet Addy, could you wait here for 10 minutes. I will just go back, inform our parents and get my phone."

"Okay Emma, I will stay here itself."

I went home, informed our parents, and started walking back to where Addy was waiting.

I went back to see........

Hello guys,
Hope you are enjoying the story.....  Other than my cousin, Lahari Chowdary (I am already following her so click on my profile, click on her profile and please follow her) and my friend no one has read this book so far....So I would like to thank Shine Sharon for becoming the first actual reader I guess I could say. 

And people please vote, comment, and share my story with your friends. And once you finish voting and sharing the story please type "COLD OR WARM" in the comment section as many times as you can and I will give shoutouts to those and follow them.

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