Fucker you won't find anything about me

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Emma POV:
Ughh! My head fucking hurts. It's pretty bad trust me. I open my eyes to an unfamiliar room. It's pretty big as to say. The walls are painted grey and the bed let's say it's black in colour. Shit, I am not in my room...
I run to the door and open it. It turns out to be the bathroom anyways I had to pee so I went in. After I was done I washed my face and decided to see where the fuck I was. I went and opened the door. It was leading me to a big hallway. I tip-toed out slowly, calmly even though I was freaking out inside.
I was walking in the big hallway there were doors after doors and finally a dead end. I walked back in the opposite direction I came. It led me to a staircase. The staircase was extravagant.
I went down, I realized I was on the 2nd floor of the house, no let me correct myself, a mansion. It was that big. I went to the ground floor and just as I was about to leave...I heard a voice behind me.

Man: Where do you think you are going, darling?

(I turned around and gasped)
It was none other than Grayson.
I looked back to the door I was not near it.

Grayson: Darling, don't even try.
(He lunged at me.)
I saw a vase beside me. I took it and did my self-defense. I hit him pretty hard on his head but duh! Who cares...I had a laugh to myself checked his pulse to make sure he is dead, hahaha just kidding and when I sensed he was alive I went away after calling an ambulance cause he was very necessary for my plan. I know for selfish reasons but whatever.

Addison POV:
I have been sitting on this stupid, wait on the non-stupid bed for god knows how many hours. As I saw through the balcony window I realized it was evening and I was so damn hungry.
After a few minutes, the door creaked open, and in came an old lady. She looked beautiful and pretty kind. And within seconds I knew that she was "The Paloma" the porcupine guy was talking about.

Me: Good evening, can you please help me? I have to get out of here before my friend comes searching for me. She would be super worried by now. Please understand. I don't want to live here. It's just his obsession for me that is making him keep me here. Just let me out, please. 
(By the time I said these words I ended up with a complete breakdown.)

Paloma: I am sorry dear. I totally get your pain but you have to understand that there is nothing I could do in this matter. I can totally be there for you when you want but helping is a totally different thing and he would kill me in a matter of seconds if he comes to know of this.

Me: Can you please atleast lend me a phone so that I can let my friend know that I am alive as of now?

Paloma: No dear, the day you were brought here, Carter took all the electronic devices from the household helpers. He said that we go home in the evening so there is no need for us to contact our families in the middle.

(Wow, what a heartless monster.)

Paloma: Anyways dear, eat your dinner before it gets cold. I will take your leave now. Good night!

Me: Night Paloma! (Only the good in it is missing in my life uff!)

Grayson POV:
I made sure she has well slept the entire night. I knew it when she was awake, but I wanted to see what she would do. I too tip-toed and followed her down the staircase. While she was moving towards the exit I knew I had to stop her now. 

Me: Where do you think you are going, darling?

(She turned around and gasped. I think she recognized me.)
I saw her look back at the door. I got what she wanted to do,

Me: Darling, don't even try.

(Obviously, she hadn't listened which was what I expected. I lunged at her and I was hit pretty hard with something. I lost my consciousness and I thought that was the end of me.)

After a few hours:
I gained my consciousness. Wait I thought I had died, how did I end up in a hospital? I open my eyes to meet with none other than my best friend or let me say the great Italian mafia leader. I knew he was expecting an answer but I knew better than to tell him all that happened. I told him that I slipped as the floor was slippery and ended up falling butt flat on the ground with my head hitting the floor due to which I had a little bit of bleeding and turned unconcious. 

He didn't trust the explanation I gave. I knew it from a look at him. But he knew better than to ask me the same thing again so he told me to take care and left without another word.

I called my men to ask if they found out anything about the girl. But they found nothing. It was as if she was a magical appearance with no info on her anywhere. Well, that's shocking. Anyways wait up for me darling I told myself and smirked cause once I was out of this hospital I will have her. I wanna cherish her forever and ever. (Smirks) 

Emma POV:
I knew that he was gonna send a detective to find out about me or his men. So before leaving I made shreds of evidence that stated that I was dead. This was the only way I had even though it was hard. Once I and Addison go back to our home and everything becomes normal I would go back to my parents to atleast tell them I never died. This way I cried myself to sleep once again.

Carter POV:
I got the news that my best friend or better known as the right hand is lying in a hospital bed. I hurried over to the hospital. Well, he had a concussion, and let me say it was pretty bad. I sat down on a chair until he gained consciousness. He finally woke up. He knew what I wanted with just a look and that is an explanation. 

He told me that he had slipped as the floor was slippery and ended up falling butt flat on the ground with his head hitting the floor due to which he had a little bit of bleeding and turned unconscious. Obviously, if he wanted me to believe that I wouldn't. He should have learned to lie better to me as I knew him from childhood. I got a message from the security that Addison had turned pretty violent and is breaking stuff. I knew I had to return back and stop her. So without further questions, I proceeded to go back to the mansion. 

Dedicating this chapter to: Hana-x and NandiniBlink

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 30, 2022 ⏰

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