"Pills" Cactusbuds/My friend

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After the purple colored aubergine told the lie, his stomach dropped after Blackjack seemed to
glare at him. Not a rude type, but a suspicious glance almost. The dog was now dead serious,
sitting down and watching Dave. His paws seemed to dig into the stone beneath him. He felt the
kitchen floor was hard, and the tiles were a light brown. Dave had a simple little house, white on
the outside with a cream colored roof and blue accents. A few bushes also laid on the outside,
lined up in a row. Dave wouldn't admit he really wanted a simplistic life. Something he could
hide away into and be happy. A few things were missing though. "Of all the things that could
happen, why are you lying about it?" A more stern voice came from the dog. Dave couldn't think
of anything more to say. He stood there as he was lectured, wanting to make himself feel better
again. The odd thing about the house was that he got a pill case inside of one of his cupboards.
It was filled, and had each date and time directed for Dave. The eggplant didn't like thinking of
medicines of any sort. The thoughts of him came to his mind. Dave had only tried them once,
and nothing eventful happened. How would he know they work without trying them? Beats me.
Dave never took anything like that before, and he had no plans on doing so. After spacing out
for the sixteen minutes of thinking about the pills, he looked down after Blackjack growled.
Blackjack seemed frustrated, and even angry. "LISTEN to me, will you?" Dave's back
straightened as the purple animal continued. "I know what's been going on." The statement had
Dave flinch. The worry came back into him. "I know you have all the ideas of what I'm talking
about." Blackjack's eyes narrowed, and his ears pricked up. One of them twitched as Dave
grabbed his arm with his hand, rubbing it. "I don't.." He frowned, the emotions seeped through
his face. "You do. I can see it." Dave pushed Blackjack away with his foot, like the purple mutt
was an actual dumb dog. I mean, he is but at least he can talk? "I don't need you to be like that.
Stop it." Dave was getting more frustrated by the second, dragging his feet to the cupboard. He
pulled out a box of cereal, shaking it to see how much was left. Blackjack wasn't amused, but backed off. He couldn't deal with many feelings, and kinda gave up. "Fine. I'll come back later."
The dog turned around, padding across the tiles and to the carpet. He ended up going through
the doggy door, and left Dave. Now the man was by his lonesome. As he grabbed a bowl from
another cupboard, he wondered if the pills were still there. As he put down the bran flakes he
stared down a light blue cupboard. This one wasn't see through like the others, it was only
wood. As he opened it, he saw the small container and opened it onto the marbled counter. He
felt the need to try them. As he took one of them out, it seemed to be an orange and blue color.
He quickly placed it in his mouth, swallowing it. It was dry, and left a gross aftertaste. He stuck
out his tongue, rubbing it with his hand. "Gross gross gross gross gross!" He groaned, knowing
he couldn't go back now. It was inside him. Dave didn't know better than to get a glass of water
to wash it down. "How do people do that?" He complained, slightly upset. He remembers seeing
Peter do such a thing but it really looked easy. Does it always taste like shit? What's inside this
small thing? Why does it melt in his mouth almost..? Dave was always the curious type, but now
he just wanted to know how the fuck people deal with that.

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