"Telling the secret." By Me

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Dave would hug the shadow doggo, holding him close to him. "I'm sorry, ... I'll tell them. I promise! I- ... I
can't keep lying to everyone, including myself, ..." He would say looking at Blackjack patting his head. He
gave a weak smile as he looked at the dog. He'd proceeded to call Peter, of course not dialing his head,
because that's rude and he promised he would stop. He was greeted with Peter's voice saying "Hey Dave! ... What's up?" "I- ... I have something to tell you all. Please come to me." He'd say kinda blankly
as he'd pat Blackjack, who seemed slightly happy that Dave was admitting the truth to everyone. He hung
up the phone as he started crying yet again, because he was thinking of Jack again. It always hurt to think
of the only person he trusted. His best friend, his Vegas buddy, the tangerine to his aburgine. The person
who he fell in love with, ... it- it hurt badly. He had cried so much it had stained his face with tears. The
others, Dee, Steven, and Peter all arrived soon to Dave crying. "What's wrong!?" Peter would ask,
sounding concerned. "I-I can't tell them- I can't tell them-" He'd say having another mental breakdown.
Blackjack went right up to him, and put his paws on his face. "You can. I believe in you." Dave seemed to
calm down a bit as he pulled the doggo into a hug. "... Jack- ... before we left- he told me something, ...
he wouldn't- couldn't come with us. Some stupid bullshit about how soulless people can't get their
happiest days! He deserves it more than I do!" He'd say taking a few deep breaths before sighing. "...
I'm sorry you had to find out this way, ... I wish I could've given him the happiest day he deserved. Hell I
would've destroyed my own soul to do it! ... B-But he didn't want me to, ... I'm sorry, ...
I'm so very sorry! I shouldn't have kept it from you all for this long!" Dee would slap Dave, before hugging
him. "You shouldn't have kept it from us at all! That's why I slapped you. But, ... being the only person
who knows about something like that, ... it would probably be very hard to handle. That's the only reason
why I hugged you." Dee would say glaring at Dave before going behind Peter. "I have to agree with Dee.
You should've told us, ... but more importantly Jack should've." Steven nodded in agreement. "... He said
he couldn't bare to tell you guys. He wanted all of us to move on. I remember exactly what he said, even
when I offered to stay behind, to stay with him!- ... He declined. He just wanted us all to be happy!- So
don't blame him!" Steven would look at Dave before giving him an awkward hug, and however close to a
smile he could manage. Dave came clean with everything. The nightmares, the hallucination he
accidentally caused- the fact that he blamed himself because Jack couldn't come along. The gang would
casually take turns watching Dave until Dave seemed to be ok. They sadly never got to see the orange
again, but despite that, they were actually somehow happy without the man who brought them all
together. The man who fixed him. The man who held a place in all their hearts, whether it be as friends,
family, or more, they all couldn't deny, they loved him in their own ways, and missed him every day.

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