"Health" Cactusbuds/My friend

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Am I dreaming..? If I am, it's a good one. I can see Jack. He has his back turned in front of me. Only a
few feet away from him... "Jack..?" I asked, I can feel my heart almost beat even more. I see him turn, eyes bright and happy. He's really pretty huh? "Hello." His voice was perfect, exactly the same as I
remembered. I moved forward, wanting to touch him. At least get a hug. "Jack... I missed you-" I ran over
to Him, getting close. "I missed you too." The way he said that.. It didn't feel genuine. Was it because I've
never heard him say that, or is it because he'd actually not care? Either way, I hold onto him tight. I don't
want to ever let go. We stand still for what seems like hours until he lets go. I feel myself frown quickly
before I can stop myself. It almost hurt being removed from Jack. Or whatever this dream Jack was.
"David, I want you to know I love you." It sounded fake again. I can't even get a genuine confession can I?
Am I stuck with this husk of a Jack in my dreams? "I love you too." Is all I can say before I see him give a
smile. I guess I can't imagine him saying anything other than what he would. This is very painful. "Dave, I
promise I won't ever leave!" At least that sounded genuine. Of course, it was a false promise... When I
wake up he will be gone. And I'll be alone again. I can feel my eyes water, a few globs of salty liquid
leaving my eyes. "A-Ah..." I stuttered, and almost couldn't say anything. As Jack came up toward me, I
blush. My face is red hot when he touches me. But his happy expression doesn't change. I'd wish he
would at least give a little chuckle, even a bit of blush would work. But here he stood, seeming more
friendly than romantic. I touch his hand, putting it up to my face before closing my eyes. "I am so proud of
you." Was another one that seemed at least slightly genuine. The farther into the dream the less he
seemed truly with me. I continue to cry, thinking of what would really happen. Jack would probably look at
me in disgust, maybe even flip me off. The true Jack would hate me for even touching him. Or just saying
things like 'You look amazing today.' I disgust myself. I don't deserve Jack. My sportsy should be here
with his happiest day. Not me. After I open my eyes, I see- No. No... Not him. I Can't look him in the
eyes, and all I see are his shoes. I remember the smell of popcorn and musty water. The lights shining
through into the clearing. The burns of cigarettes... I can smell the blood dripping from my nose, and even
the scent of his old flask. I can see the old Fredbear's diner, him coming to me with blood in his hands.
His smile that day was the most scared I had ever been. I remember him. I can hear the words "I'm so
proud of you" again. But this time it's The voice I dread everyday. I force myself to look him in the eyes.
"Henry." I gulp, feeling weak. He is in the same position as Jack. However this time he looks more like a
father figure. "I care for you William." More tears leave me. "Stop." I whined the words, as they weakly
came from my mouth. More words of encouragement came from the horrible 'Man' before I could stop
him. "You're such an amazing kid Willy." It was all lies. "You're better than all the rest." Lies I had
heard before. "STOP. STOP. STOP. STOP. STOP. STOP!" I almost collapsed down onto the- wait. I look
down, as I realize I'm falling into a white abyss. This. This is where I belong. I'm worthless. I'm nothing.
I'm horrible. I'm trash. I have nothing to give. I repeat my words before I can stop myself. The self pity I
was giving myself made it even worse. I feel my hands and arms go numb as I fall. It's like I'm breaking
my bones all at once. But once I blink I'm on my couch. I can see Blackjack, who's worried. His eyebrows
are furrowed, and he's currently whimpering. "B-Blackjack?" I mumble, pushing myself up. It seems I'm
still crying, so I try to wipe my eyes. "You're crying, you were yelling 'stop' and that you were worthless
too! You know what's going on and you need to accept it. Dave please... For Jack's sake, tell them. Tell
them what happened." I grabbed ahold of the stupid mutt, crying into him. I owe Jack everything, and if I
need to do this for him, I will. I'm going to tell them. And when I do, we will all be happy. I will get better,
no matter what.

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