Good Afternoon!

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 "Beep! Beep! Beep! Beep!"

 The sound of the alarm continuously played. It woke up the sleeping Dr. Leonard McCoy who grumpily covered himself more with his soft white blanket. "Computer, stop the damn alarm." The Computer followed his orders, stopping the alarm.  Leonard sighed in relief and continued to lay down on his bed but again, the Computer interrupted.

 "There is a reminder from Lieutenant Commander Victoria Winters. She requests for you to eat before starting with your duties." The Computer's flat tone echoed around the room. 

 "You woman." The doctor mentally chuckled under the covers.

Leonard got himself out of bed and rubbed his eyes clear. "Computer, what time is it?" He blinked his eyes open, staring at nothing but darkness. "It is currently 1400 hours." Came the reply. Leonard quietly sighed. He wanted to do nothing more than to sleep in his soft warm bed but work is calling.

 "Open lights at 30%." The lights brightened as he stood up. He entered the bathroom and quickly took a shower and freshened himself up. When he finished, he opened his closet and wore his Starfleet uniform, medical.

 When he finished, he quickly started the journey to the cafeteria. 

  The crew stared at him like he was some sort of miracle. He was not fuming. He was not scowling but instead, a serene look was displayed. He greeted the people around him with a nod, shocking all of them. Some stopped in their tracks and stared at him wide-eyed but he didn't scowl at them or scolded them. He just merrily went on his way.

 At some point, one Captain James Trouble Kirk joined him on his trek towards the cafeteria.

 "I think I've never seen you this happy, Bones." Jim greeted the calm doctor and placed himself beside the man. Surprising Jim, Leonard didn't scold him at first sight and he didn't even scowl at him. The corners of his mouth quirked up but it was not enough for Jim to notice.

 "Good afternoon, Jim." Leonard didn't pay mind to what Jim said and at the change of pace, hurried his steps. Jim was almost left alone by himself in the corridor if he didn't match his pace with the doctor's.

 "Woah! What's the hurry, Bones?" Jim asked the man after he caught up. Leonard, without looking at him answered, "I need to eat then I have reports to write." Jim harshly turned his head at Leonard with wide eyes. "and since when did you decide to eat before reports?" Leonard rolled his eyes at the kid beside him and entered the cafeteria. "Since today." 

 He and Jim chose their food and sat on an empty table far from the others. Leonard took a bite and slowly savored it, causing Jim to look at him like he has three heads. "Since when did you savor your food? and drink tea?"

 "Since today." He repeated his earlier response and drank the said tea. He continued to eat in peace, ignoring the man staring at him with such wide eyes you'd think it was going to pop out.

 "Stop widening your eyes, kid. It'll pop out."

Jim sat straighter and lessened the wideness of his eyes. He might as well listen to the older man or else he'll be in a worse mood. He's been roped up into his wrath. Usually he's the reason.

"What's with the calm look? No scowl? No frown? Wait– Did you sleep?" Question after question was asked.

"Can't I have a good afternoon for once?" Leonard thought, resisiting the urge to scowl at Jim. "Yes, I slept. So what?"

Jim looked at him like he was crazy. "So what? So what?" Questioned Jim who nearly slammed his hands on the table. "You rested. Without any orders from me," He leaned closer. "You're not scowling. You're not frowning. You're not even annoyed!" He paused a moment to think. "Are you infected with a virus or something?"

That did it. Leonard slammed his hands on the table, catching the attention of the nearby crewmen and looked directly at Jim with fuming eyes. "I am not infected, James." The use of Jim's first name from the doctor always meant he was serious and exasperated with him to the full degree. "I'm not carrying any diseases and so what? There's nothing wrong with me. I'm just here trying to enjoy my lunch when you go ahead and ask so many questions from the moment I left my fucking room." Leonard told the now, smirking Captain in front of him. The smirk just added to Leonard's irritation. He most certainly wants to wipe it off from the Captain's face but refrains.

"Now that's Bones." It was the only thing Jim said before Leonard rolled his eyes and hurried his eating, not wanting to be in Jim's company for the rest of the time. Fortunately, Jim brought up another topic.

"So, Engineering."

Leonard mentally face-palmed. "20 injured. No one died. Some of them might have if it wasn't for Victoria's quick thinking. I'll elaborate on the report later."

At the mention of Victoria's name, Jim's attention hardened on Leonard. "Victoria? She was there? Was she hurt?" The Captain's voice was laced with concern and worry. It almost softened the older man. Almost.

"She's fine. Fortunately, she was with Scotty at the time and they weren't anywhere near the damn explosion. She was fine enough to help in the med-bay." He answered about the well-being of his best friend. Remindingly, he hasn't actually checked up on Victoria's well-being. They were both occupied with the patients. Even after the patients, she insisted that he rest.

"Shit." He thought. "She hasn't rested. She's been up and about since the morning. The incident, med-bay, her shift and me." The thought of being such a terrible friend had Leonard feeling guilty. You can see it at his stance. His shoulders lowered a bit. His eyes dropped and he was looking down on his food like it was the saddest thing to exist. Jim didn't notice the change in behavior of his friend and continued to speak.

"Good." He sighed in relief. "Wouldn't want to lose a reliable, trustworthy officer after a week of being aboard the Enterprise."

"Of course, Bones, I'm expecting a report from you. I've already got Scotty's." Jim mentioned after a bite.

"Once I get to–"

"You calmed Dr. I-don't-have-time-for-your-recklessness McCoy?!" A woman was heard all over the cafeteria. The comment was certainly heard by Jim and Leonard. At the mention of his name, Leonard turned to the woman standing up.

The woman had a blue shirt on but he didn't know her personally but he's seen her on crew check-ups. Possibly in Science. Back to the man at hand.

Leonard was now seething. He was glaring at the woman– No, kid that was standing up. He planned on marching to her table and giving the kid a piece of his mind if it wasn't for Jim's hand on his shoulder.

"Let it go." Jim told the furious doctor. Leonard's glare was now directed to Jim. He raised his hands up in surrender. "The girl probably doesn't know that you're here so let it go." He gestured to the girl who apologized to everyone and sat back down, talking to what looks like her friends.

Leonard's glare didn't lessen when he sat back down. His anger certainly didn't as he stabbed his food with a fork, slightly scaring Jim who slowly started leaning away.

"That won't stop me from stabbing her with hypos the next time she gets hurt." The doctor grumbled loud enough for Jim who winced at the idea. Jim's had the experience of getting stabbed with hypos from Leonard numerous times.

"Whatever you say, Bones."

It was the only thing Jim could say. He didn't plan on experiencing more of the doctor's wrath...

as much as possible.

Dreams [DISCONTINUED] // Leonard McCoy/OC/Spock \\Where stories live. Discover now