Chapter 24

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Owen pulled into Nathan’s driveway and walked me up to the front door. Before opening the door, Owen turned to face me and held both my hands. “Thank you for accompanying me today Sang.”

“Thank you Owen. For teaching me to golf, not giving up on me, and giving me motivation to practice.”

“What motivation did I give you?” There was a hint of a smirk on his face, which made me believe he knew exactly what I was referring to. Either way, I lifted my head and stood on my tip toes. Placing my lips on his I heard him let out a sigh, as if he had been waiting for this moment for a lifetime. I heard a buzz and a ping and then Owen groaned. Pulling away he pulled his phone out of his pants pocket. He looked at the screen and the expression on his face could only be described as a scowl.

“It seems as though our time is up for today Sang. Let me get you inside.” It must have been something from the Academy.

He opened the door and I took a step in, but I stepped on something. I looked down and saw a small Hershey kiss. I bent down and picked it up, noticing another one a foot or so in front of me. I looked up and saw a line of Hershey kisses leading to the kitchen. I turned to Owen and held out the kiss that was in my hand. He gave me a hint of a smile and shook his head. “I would never live that down, but thank you. I suggest you follow the trail.” What did he mean he would never live it down? I was too curious about what the kisses were doing on the floor to ask and decided to see what was in the kitchen. I followed the line of candies, picking each one up as I went. I got to the doorway of the kitchen and the trail stopped. I looked around but didn’t see any more kisses. I turned to look at Owen, but he had moved into the Living Room, and was looking through a National Geographic magazine that was on the coffee table. I heard some rustling and turned back to the kitchen to see Dr. Sean pop up from behind the other side of the counter. He had a huge smile on his face and his eyes were twinkling.

“Dr. Sean? What are you doing?”

“I have been waiting for you Pookie, of course.” He came around so he was standing right in front of me. He took both my hands in his and lifted them to his lips. Before he kissed them though he said “Now that I have kissed the ground you walk on, will you go out with me?”

I couldn’t help but giggle. I should have known Dr. Sean would do something silly and romantic like this. “Of course Dr. Sean!” He brought my hands up to his lips and lightly kissed them before pulling me closer to kiss me on the lips. It was a quick kiss because we heard footsteps coming towards the kitchen.

“Sorry to interrupt, but I need to talk to Dr. Green for a minute before I leave.” Owen stood in the door way, hands in his pockets. And then I realized what Owen meant when he said he would never live it down if he took the candy kiss from me. I giggled and said “You didn’t want a kiss from Dr. Sean!”

Owen’s eyes shot up quickly before returning to their normal ‘don’t-give-anything-away’ look. I looked over to Dr. Sean to see a confused look on his face, before smiling. “You didn’t want a kiss from me Owen? I admit I never thought about kissing you, but it still hurts a little to hear you didn’t want to either.”

Owen took his hands out of his pockets and walked towards me. Grabbing my hands in his, he squeezed them gently before leaning in to give me a peck on the lips. “I had a wonderful time today Sang. You are correct, I do not want a kiss from Sean – or anyone else – only you.” He looked up at Dr. Sean. “I will be in the living room when you have a moment.”

After Owen was out of the kitchen Dr. Sean wrapped his arms around me and spun me to face him. “I have golfed with Owen dozens of times, and he never seems that relaxed afterwards. I don’t know what you did Pookie, but keep doing it.” He kissed my forehead. “I am going to talk to the new and improved Owen, and then I unfortunately have to go to work.” I pouted my lip at him. I can’t believe he has to go already. “Don’t give me that lip Pookie. I will kiss it off you. Plus don’t tempt me, I will ditch work and stay with you for the rest of the day. Then, of course, some not so handsome doctor, who doesn’t look nearly as good in a white coat as I do, will check in on my patients and they will be so sad they may never get better.” I giggled, but before I could even attempt to stop it, Dr. Sean wrapped his arms around me again and pulled me tight to him, placing his lips against mine. Lifting his lips off mine, just enough to talk, he said “keep giggling Pookie, I love any excuse to kiss you.” The feel of his lips talking against mine tickled and made me giggle more. He took that as his cue to press down and kiss me more. His lips opened slightly and I mimicked his movement. “Pookie, I really need to go. I am surprised Owen has waited this long, and I am really going to be late for work.”

“I know Dr. Sean.” I smiled up at him.

I heard the front door open and I thought Owen was leaving. “Hey Mr. B! How was golf? Or more importantly, how was Trouble’s outfit?” Meanie was here! I forgot he said we might be able to do our date today! I heard Owen say something in return to Gabe’s question, but I couldn’t understand any of it. I walked with Dr. Sean into the Living Room. I only caught the last part of Owen’s response which was a sincere “thank you Mr. Coleman.” They both turned to the doorway when Dr. Sean and I walked in. “Hi Dr. Green. Trouble, how was golf?”

I looked over at Owen and blushed. “Golf was good, I am not very good, but I will just have to practice.” Gabe looked between me and Owen. “Yeah, I bet golf was good.” He smirked before walking towards me and taking my hand. “I have a few things to get set up for our date, do you want to take a shower or something while you wait?”

“Okay, I could go for a bath after being out in the sun all morning.” I started to say my goodbyes when I realized something. I moved closer to Dr. Sean. “We never decided on a day for our date.” He had a huge grin on his face.
“It just so happens Pookie that you were going to spend some time with me on Tuesday after school while everyone else does boring Academy things. I thought we could turn that into our date.”

“Oh, ok.” This was the first I was hearing about being with Dr. Sean after school on Tuesday, but I was excited to see what we would do for our date. I wanted to say more, but Dr. Sean leaned in to whisper in my ear “and you will be staying over at my condo that night too.” My mouth went dry and I wouldn’t have been able to say anything even if a coherent thought could come to mind.

Owen broke the silence first. “Come on Sean. I will talk to you out in the drive way. You are going to be late for work.” Dr. Sean kissed me on the forehead and walked out with Owen.

When the door closed I still had trouble moving. “Fuck Trouble, what did Dr. Green say to you? You haven’t even blinked.” I shook my head and looked at Gabe. “Noth-Nothing Meanie. I am just ready for a bath so we can do our date!” That was mostly true. He didn’t need to know that I was also a little nervous to spend the night with Dr. Sean after our date. The last time I was there I had my first kiss. What would happen this time? Would he expect something to happen? Did I want something more to? What was the something more that would be next? It was a lot to process. Luckily it was only Saturday – I have a few day to figure that out. “Awesome Trouble! Go take your bath, and take as long as you want, I have a lot of stuff to set up!” I smiled and turned to walk towards the bathroom. I long hot bath was what I needed. And then I would need to figure out what came after kissing. I wonder if I could look it up on the computer.

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