Chapter 40

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After the meeting I couldn’t help but feel as excited as Meanie. It felt like we were really making progress with finding Volto. That excitement had me almost forgetting about my upcoming date with North tonight. Almost. I was nervous about the date tonight. From what North said about the dirt races this seemed like a place that meant a lot to him. I didn’t have the first clue about what happened at a dirt race. Plus, the last time I was alone with North for more than an hour we were almost naked and things had become really intense. A good intense, but still scary to think it might happen again.

Nathan and Gabriel walked out with me after gym to meet Kota at the car. Nathan opened the door for me and as I was climbing in he looked at Meanie. “Are you coming with us again Gabe?”

Gabriel’s head drew back at the comment. “Fuck your tone Nate. Yeah, I am coming with you. I am going to help Trouble get ready for tonight and then I am covering a shift at the diner. So screw you.” With that he pushed me further into the back seat so he could slide in next to me. I heard Nathan mumbling something but I couldn’t make it out.

As soon as we got to the house Gabriel took my hand and led me into the bathroom. “I want to fix up your hair and show you your outfit before I have to go to the diner. I think North is going to pick you up at 5 or 5:30. I am pretty sure Kota will make you finish up your homework before you leave too.” As if on cue someone knocked at the door and we heard Kota say “Sang, we are going to try to get all our homework done before North picks you up.”

I locked eyes with Meanie through the mirror and he shook his head. “You could fucking set a clock by him.”

Meanie played around with my hair, we were leaving it down, but he wanted to add more loose curls to it. I followed him into the bedroom and watched him look through the closet. He pulled out a pair of tight black jeans, a black t-shirt with a bright pink heart across the middle and a leather jacket.

He laid everything out on the bed and then turned around to look through my shoes. “I think the black boots will be best.” He put them on the floor next to the bed and then put his hands on his hips. “That’s everything I can do. I have to go to work now Trouble, so I won’t be able to see my favorite model. Maybe I can get North to send me a picture.” We both looked at each other and started laughing. I couldn’t imagine North doing that.

I followed Gabriel out to the living room. Kota was sitting in the couch, his right leg propped up on his left knee. He had a book opened on his lap and his hand was holding his head as he read. Nathan was sprawled out on his stomach on his floor. He was flipping the pages of a book, I think he was looking to see how many pages were left until the end of the chapter. They both looked up as we walked in.

Gabriel grabbed my shoulders and turned me to face him. “Have fun tonight Trouble.” He pulled me closer so he could plant a kiss on my head. He released me and backed away. He lifted his hand to Nathan and Kota. “I’m headed to the diner. Feel free to stop by later for dinner or something. I’m sure Uncle wouldn’t mind the help.” They both nodded to Gabriel and watched him head towards the door. Kota patted the spot next to him on the couch for me to sit down.

We spent the next hour doing homework. Well actually we spent about the first twenty minutes doing our own homework until Nathan started mumbling to his book on the floor. Kota looked over at him “what’s wrong Nate?”

Nathan sat up and held the book up to Kota. “I have to read these poems and interpret them. Why couldn’t the poets just say what they wanted to say? I am sure they could find rhyming words that don’t end with an eth.” Kota just shook his head at Nathan and reached for the book. I was pretty much done with what I needed to do, so I joined in going over the poems.

Kota looked at his phone and up to me. “You should start getting ready. North will probably be here soon.” I nodded and headed back to the bedroom to get ready. I was zipping up my boots when I heard the front door open and close. I could hear the guys talking, but couldn’t make out what they were saying. North must be here. No more time to stall. I shook my arms out to let out some pent up energy and opened the door.

Kota and Nathan were pretty much in the same spots but now North was in the room. Leaning against the arm of the couch a bouquet of flowers hanging down from his side. I cleared my throat and everyone looked over at me. I kept my eyes on North and I saw his eyes grow wider and darker. “Holy fuck Sang Baby.”

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