End of Trials

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Gransfen woke up with a start. At least he thought he was awake, he couldn't see anything. He tried blinking and found that fabric covered his face. He went to move an arm and was greeted by a spasm of pain, and decided that the darkness would work. He sought out his bond and figured after some careful prodding that Wilco was still in passive state and safe.

Over the next few days he drifted in and out of a dreamless sleep. Eventually when he awoke one day we were greeted by a bright sunny day. He felt his arm, it yielded only a twinge of pain, he could live with that. He sat up, and immediately felt light headed, but he fought off the urge to lie back down.

He glanced around at his surroundings for the first time. Gransfen was definitely not in the boarding room that they had given him. He was sitting on a bed, not luxurious, but better than the cot he had been given previously. Animal skin rugs lay underfoot, and a fire was cracking in a small fireplace, where an even smaller pot was dangling. . To his left was a small mug of something warm, and consequently was sending puffs of steam in the general vicinity. It was situated on a roughly carved wooden table, who, like many things in Samis, had a polar bear engraved on it.

That brought Grandfens mind to Suka. He had been so close, but he knew now that he had botched that chance. Why would they talk to him? Heck, probably they were going to turn him over to the Anoushi. Why wouldn't they? He had lied about who he was, why he came, and had put all of them in danger, not to mention bringing an enormous wildcat into their remote village.

Wilco. She had helped him so much, they had been through so much. He wanted to release her but didn't know if that would be a good idea under the circumstances. Then he said "screw it" and summoned her. She immediately inspected him, for any and all injuries. He reassured her that he was ok. The sight of each other appeared to calm both of them. Then with a hiss Wilco twirled to face the wood door on the opposite end of the room.

Trusting Wilco's instinct he knew someone was seconds away from bursting through that door. He tried to summon her, as a large cat probably wasn't the house guest the unknown intruder anticipated, but Wilco refused to come. Apparently she was not going to leave him after what happened before.

The door slowly creaked open, Gransfen's nerves spiked. He tried to tell Wilco not to attack. But knew that if that beast wanted to, nothing, and nobody could stop her. But for whatever reason Wilco stayed. His first thought was that his pleading actually worked. Wilco glanced over, and sent a mental version of an eye roll. Gransfen huffed, but he knew that she probably had chosen not to attack because she deemed it more important to defend. Gransfen rolled his eyes back.

The door creaked another few inches, and then with a push, it swung wide open, and Pia walked in.

Gransfen had to admire her bravery, she hadn't even batted an eye when she saw Wilco. In fact she completely ignored Wilco, and spoke directly to Gransden.

"You're awake" she said this with not the hint of relief, just a statement, a fact.

"Umm.. yes?"

Wilco, who was not used to being ignored, growled, a rather intimidating sound that usually people jumped clear out of their seats when they heard. Pia didn't flinch.

"Oh, stop whining, you big cat. He's fine. You're fine. And I'm going to get you out of here"

At first Gransfen hadn't even heard her, he was concentrating on persuading Wilco not to maul her on the spot, but after accomplishing that, he turned his attention to what Pia had just said.

"You're letting us go? Is this a trick?"

She responded, "first of all asking someone 'is this a trick' is a useless question because even if it were a trick they would say that it wasn't. Second of all, did you not hear me the first time? I said that I am getting you out of here. But before I do that you need to answer one question honestly"

"Umm.. I guess that's ok"

"What did you think this was? I said that you need to answer this, not a choice and therefore doesn't require an answer. Shall we begin?"

The final statement/question was accompanied by the rise of an eyebrow. Gransefen decided it wasn't worth arguing, and just nodded.

"Why are you here?"

He decided to tell the truth.

"I am Gransfen, and this is my Spirit animal, Wilco, we are the fiercest, bravest, and strongest warriors across Eura, our stories are told through Eura, we are legends, we are---"

"Ya I know who you are"

"Only because I summoned my esteemed and famous wildcat when I jumped," Gransfen huffed.

Pia snorted. "Nope. I mean, you did summon her, but I knew the moment I met you."

"What? How?"

"Your pet leaves a distinctive tattoo, although I must admit I first thought it to be a dirt stain"

Both Wilco and Gransfen growled. Pia laughed, then her face turned cold, "so why are you here?"

He decided to tell the truth.

Gransfen sighed, "I came for Suka. Well, not Suka, her talisman. Unfortunately I have no idea where she is, or how to get to her, some of your guests said she was near Ardu settlements, but I have no clue where those are or how to get to them" he finished somewhat lamely.

"That I can help you with" and without another word she left.

Wilco stretched and released a small grunt

Gransfen awoke to a sharp pain in his stomach.

"What the f---?"

"Good you're up again" Pia was back. Gransfen realized that he must have fallen asleep.

"What the hell? You just punched me to wake me up?

"No" Pia said indignantly, "I poked you"

"That hurt way too much to be a poke"

Pia raised an eyebrow.

Gransfen corrected himself, "I mean, for lesser, weaker men, it would have seemed like a punch" he cleared his throat. "Not for me, because I am Gransfen strongest of the---"

"Ya ya ya, I've heard" Pia rolls her eyes.

"Exactly," Gransfen said, becoming more confident by the second, "I bet you couldn't even hurt me if you tried. Besides you are after all just a gir---"


Gransfen doubled over in pain. She had punched him, really punched him. He conceded that the wake up had in fact just been a poke. He shot Wilco an annoyed look, her face was a perfect depiction of innocence, but Gransfen knew that despite her dislike of Pia she was obviously pleased with this turn of events.

"I think you've made your point" Gransfen gasped while on the floor. Pia laughed.

"Anyways," Pia continued as if there had been no interruption, "you're coming with me"

She handed him a cloak, a hiking stick, and a compass, and told him to follow.

They walked to the pool Gransfen had fallen into, no, jumped, he corrected himself hurriedly. Then Pia handed him a slip of paper.

A map.

"Why are you helping us?"

"Because I want to."

And with that she turned away, and walked. Then she stopped, and turned.

"My parents were killed by the crimson raiders. So you know..." she drifted off. Gransfen nodded.

"Oh no! I almost forgot! Your sword". She unsheathes the sword at her side. It was his sword! "It's a good weight, a the grips a bit weird, however it's still sturdy and well built"

"What? You took my sword, my father made that! That yellow stone was my mother's! You dared take it?!"


And with that she finally departed, and this time she didn't stop. Gransfen turned and put one foot forward. He was going to get to Suka, if it was the last thing that he did. He released Wilco. She purred. A sound that shook the ground beneath his feet, and he swore that some birds took flight in town.

"Let's go"

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 17, 2023 ⏰

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