Chapter 1

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Anna's P.O.V
Anna didn't know if she was getting visually impaired or if letters on the computer screen knew how to dance. Office timings were long from over but she felt like the day was incredibly long and excruciating. She wasn't a lazy PA. In fact, her dedication to work and obsessive compulsive habit of organizing everything to perfection was what deemed her fit to assist the head of the country's leading advertising agency. She had a tough job - one that required relentless hours of smiling till her cheeks hurt, sending emails to clients , running orders , getting coffee , sending flowers to the boss's soon-to-be-ex-girlfriends etc.

Okay so it wasn't that tough. But it did require a large amount of effort although the boss had more than one assistant.

The entire night, Anna couldn't stop thinking about Cary's not-so-gentle words "Melaine's getting married and she's decided she wants to talk about what happened between you guys. Says she wants to call a truce and that she misses you. You are her sister after all" . Anna had snorted at the last bit before going into shock . The truth had sunk in her sleep - deprived brain once again .

Her older ,much more beautiful, bitch for a sister , Melaine Hart getting married.

Melaine was your everyday walking cliche. Blonde , blue-eyed , runaway model type body, all-white blinding smile , skimpy dressed , pea for a brain, loud party girl who's eyes shone when she spotted money from a ten feet radius.
So when Anna had introduced the gorgeous and easy going ,Jordan Michaels , CEO of Marco Enterprises, she had already started making googly eyes at him. He happened to be Anna's fiancé before her sister sunk her manicured claws into his designer suit.
At least she waited a whole week after Anna announced that her and Jordan were getting married.
It was always like that - Melaine always wanted what Anna had and managed to get it every single time. She also loved rubbing it in her face.
Anna used to take her shit because she thought her as family, flaws and all .
But Melaine had crossed the line with Jordan .

She knew how deeply Anna was in love with him and went for him regardless. So much for sister love.
That's when Anna completely broke off any sort of contact with her. Unfortunately ,Anna's parents seemed to be the sole sufferers of Anna's silent treatment.

What hurt her the most was that her parents didn't think Melaine did anything wrong.
"Your sister has her faults. She's not perfect." Her mother's sympathies were clearly not with Anna.

Her life was an endless moronic joke.

Rubbing her eyes she shut off the computer and stretched like a wild cat. "You do too much work" said an amused silky voice. She glanced up to see Samantha Webber leaning against her desk .
"Wow ,you look like death came over you." Sammy said taking in Anna's pale face.
"Thanks, i feel like it did,too" she replied back. "I didn't do much action today ,actually. Couldn't sleep all night"
"Ooh , Anna, you minx ! All night, huh? That good? I hope you like sharing " Sammy purred.
Anna rolled her violet-blue eyes. "Not because of that. Just something that kept me up" she said not wanted to discuss about the topic.
"Well what was it ,then? " Sammy said demandingly.
"Nothing important "
"It's important if you're not looking me in the eye. You always do that when you lie."
Anna glared at her "Must you be so nosy,all the time?"
"I thought i was your best friend other than that gay asshole"
"Cary isn't gay. I don't understand why you both don't get along." Anna said shaking her head.
"He's freinds with a sexy bombshell like you ,isn't screwing your brains out or looking forward to doing that. Of course,he's gay. " Sammy threw her hands up exasperatedly in an exaggerated way.
"Thanks, i guess. But it is possible for two single people of the opposite sex to be friends , Sammy. Stop watching those rom-coms" Anna groaned as her impending headache worsened . She had to get Sammy off her back .
"Melaine's getting married" Anna echoed in Cary's words except her words held no emotion.
Sammy face softened into sympathetic. "Oh ,Anna"
"Whatever, it's no big deal" Anna said unconvincingly.
"How about you and i go clubbing tonight?" She asked changing the topic.
"Not in the mood. I have to catch up on some sleep anyway"
" Tomorrow? Please? I haven't had sex in two weeks" Sammy begged.
"Gross , Sammy , did not need to know that" Anna groaned.
She gave Anna her famous puppy dog eyes.
"Fine. Tomorrow. At that new club that opened near Danny's Burgers." Anna said straightening her spine.
"Great! You won't regret this , we'll find you someone sexy to screw all that negativity you have right now out of you. "
"That won't be necessary " Anna said half giggling.

"Coffee. My office. Now" barked a deep masculine voice through the speakers of the phone. Anna winced at the sound of her boss's voice. Gareth Hunter . One male specimen she couldn't get out of her brain , as shameless as it made her.
She had started working for him since last year.
Sammy recommended her when she broke it off with her millionaire boyfriend. Jordan had insisted she moved in with him when they had gotten serious. So when she moved out after their unceremonious and very public breakup she had no place to go. And no job to go to.
Anna had never felt so ashamed of herself. She decided she would harden herself from the broken girl who free loaded on her ex- boyfriend's money to an independent woman with a decent apartment .
She still remembered how she stumbled over her words at the sight of Gareth - all male in every sense and form . From his hard jawline to his set hazel eyes that seemed to always give a smoldering look , she had just about melted on the spot. His fit body was clad in a snug designer suit and he had sat there on his leather chair with a confidence that seemed to unnerve her. From his less-than-impressed face Anna had gathered he didn't want to employ her. Her thoughts had been confirmed that day when he said " Well you're obviously not the kind of assistant i was looking for what with your less than immaculate dressing and awkward rambling but Sammy is a good asset to the agency and the sister of my best friend so I know she wouldn't have recommended you if you weren't good enough." he said skeptically. And at that Anna has steeled herself and replied back with fire and assurance as she showed him why she was perfect for her position. She had experience under her belt and a good load of certificates to prove herself. In the end he gave her the position.
As proud as Anna was that day she hated Gareth since but also couldn't stop thinking about how sexy he was. Many nights Anna woke up screaming his name. It was an embarrassing secret of Anna's. She fantasized about the man she hated - and who also paid her bills.
No one knew about Anna and her perverse thoughts about her boss. Not even Sammy and Cary.

It was her dirty little secret.

"Gotta go,Sammy. Boss's call"

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 30, 2016 ⏰

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