Conpleteing a tag as Genral Amaya (the real one XD)

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Hi so read last chapter I wanted to do this so I'm gonna XD Italics is me, Shadow, talking btw XD

Name: Amaya

Age: Aunt age so clear thanks wiki

Phone wallpaper: What's a phone? I was tmepted to write a bad word there but let's keep this clean Amaya might swaer but I don't

Last song I listned to: I'm deaf idots

Favrite food: *Very* Stale Bread XD I had to I'm sorry- XDXDDD

Favrite couller: Blue I'm guessing by her aurmor...IV'E GOTTA SOP TALKING I'M SORRY-

Favorite Animal: ?

Three fun facts about myself: I'm deaf, I'm mute, and I'm the hottest charicter in the whole of TDP


Single or taken: None of you're buness!

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Single or taken: None of you're buness!

Girl best freind: Jani (who I have no pitcures off D':)

Girl best freind: Jani (who I have no pitcures off D':)

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Guy best freind: 

Worlds best phto of anyone ever

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Worlds best phto of anyone ever

Nonbinnary/Gender nutral best freind: Uhh is there anyone like that in TDP? I feel like thre is- Oh well if they had anything to do with Amaya I'd know who they where XD

Tag two to six people






Verin (so I can kill you with how horrible this tag is you evil bug)

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