Part 2

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Song recs:
Clouds - Before You Exit
Lookalike - Conan Gray
Happiest Year - Jaymes Young

* going back to Toyas school days *

- toyas pov -

The new school year just began. We're all in new classes. To be exact, I'm in 7th grade right now. I walked into class and sat down in the back row as everyone started talking with each other. I looked around. Some people of my old class were here too. I continued looking around and spotted a black haired boy looking out of the window. Never saw that one.

Well I'm not gonna make friends anyways; or so I thought.

* a few months into the schoolyear *

It's about November right now. Like the last few years, I didn't make any friends. Some people tried but as soon as I hit them with my mean comments they didn't even bother looking at me again. Yet somehow this black haired boy I saw in the beginning of the school year won't leave me alone.

"Hey Toya, how are you doing today?" he came towards me with a genuine bright smile. I looked away. What does he even want from me? Apart from that, why does he think I would talk to someone quirkless?

He sat down in front of me. "I see. You don't have to answer" he said searching for my eyes. He looked down on my desk spotting the drawings I drew during our lessons. "You know, your drawings are really damn good. I mean that" he admired them. I slowly turned my head towards his. His eyes were focused on the artwork meanwhile I, for the first time, looked at his face. He had those brown dots all over his face, I believe people call them freckles. He had those sharp but at the same time round eyes which were always slightly formed because of his smile. They had a colour mix to them, making them look like those beautiful green seas. A slight blush on his cheeks. Thin black brows with black fluffy hair. Soft almost peach coloured lips which were also formed a bit sharp looking and a skinny built as well as pale skin. Yet what amazed me the most about him was the way he looked at things. It was like he saw things for the first time, there were those sparkles in his eyes; no, he held a whole universe in them, it's like they were crystals and the way he get's so excited over little things sometimes makes me think if he is seeing all of this for the first time.

"Thanks" I replied to his compliment. Those were the first kind words I ever said to him or even anyone here. Why is this taking me back to when he first spoke to me?

* flashback - first day of school *

"Hey, my name's Aki. How about you?" the fluffy haired boy stood in front of my desk. "Piss off" I told him and looked away. Didn't he notice my negative interactions with the others? Can't he tell I don't want to talk? "Hahaha, I see" he laughed and sat down in front of me.
This guy is creeping me out already.

* end of flashback *

Right after I said thanks he looked at me. Again with those sparkles and he just flashed me a big smile. I looked away again but this time, with a slight blush.

Ever since then we somehow became friends.

* another day *

- akis pov -

Today we had sports lessons again. You may think it's unfair for someone quirkless like me don't you? But don't worry we don't get to use our quirks here in school.

We were changing as I looked over to Toya. He yet again had those burn marks on him. I noticed them for quite a while now. For what I know he has a fire quirk, yet his skin is freezing cold and he's fine whenever the others are freezing their asses off. I suspected that he's burning himself to be honest. Everyone else noticed his burns too but they never said anything; they all disliked him. Understandable with the way he pushes people away but I think there's more to him than just his 'mean and quiet kid' image. Since Endeavour is his father I can see him having a lot of pressure to carry and I wanna know what makes him think he has to push people away.

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