Untitled Soixante-treize

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Me: We have deux truths and quatre darez

Chase: un truth deux darez un truth deux darez

Me: Ok Chase how often do you cry

Chade: Rarly

Ryder: You cry quite alot Chase you cry at least deux times a day all days of the week

Me: Chase you got exposed

Chase: No that's not true

Ryder: It is true

Me: Ok

Zuma leaves da room

Me: Everyone has to ignore Zuma for a day

Zuma comes back in da room

Zuma: Wocky want to play

Rocky: *Ignores him*

Zuma: Wocky, Wocky awnsew me Wocky

24 hours later

Rocky: Hey Zuma do you want to play

Zuma: Yeah but why did evewyone ignowe me yestewday

Rofky: It was a dare

Zuma: Ok

Me: Rocky you have to get water dumped on you every time you talk

Rocky: NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO *Gets water dumped on him by Chase* Why Chase *Gets water dupmed on him again this time by Marshall* WHY MARSHALL YOU SPRAY ME ENOUGH *Gets water dumped on him by Liberty* Why *gets water dumped on him by Ryder* Why *Gets water dumped on him by Zuma* Why Zuma why *Gets water dumped on him by Eve* Why eve (says her full name but I sometimes can't spell for my life) *Gets water dumped on him by Rex* Why Rex *Gets water dumped on him by Tracker* Why Tracker *Gets water dumped on him by WildCat* Why WildCat *Gets water dumped on him by Gasket* Why Gasket *Gets water dumped on him by Cali* Why Cali *Gets water dumped on him by Katie* Why Katie *Gets water dumped on him by Dwayne* Why Dwayne *Gets water dumped on him by HubCap* Why Hubcap *Gets water dumped on him by Tuck* Why Tuck *Gets water dumped on him by Ella* Why Ella *Gets water dumped on him by Skye* Why Skye *Gets 5 buckets of water (rest we're 1 bucket) dumped on him by Me* Why aurther *Gets 4 buckets of water dumped on him by Sweetie* Why Sweetie *Gets 27 (I think if I calculated that right) buckets of water dumped on him 1 by Chase, 1 by Marshall, 1 by Skye, 1 by Eve, 1 by Tracker, 1 by Ella, 1 by Tuck, 1 by Rex, 1 by Rubble, 1 by Zuma, 1 by Liberty, 1 by Ryder, 1 by Gasket, 1 by Hubcap, 1 by Dwayne, 1 by WildCat, 1 by Cali, 1 by Katie, 5 by me and 4 by Sweetie then he passes out*

Me: I think we went a lil overborad

Everyone: Yeah (-Rocky, Sweetie, Gasket, Hubcap, Dwayne and Cali (Cause Cali cant talk))

Me: Imma do a part deux cause I haven't been feeling 100% today so wait till then to leave truths et darez

Skarshall, Cheverist, Rytie, Zumocky and GasketXHubcap (and the others): T or dWhere stories live. Discover now