Chapter 37

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Koron POV

I watched proudly as Malik and Alana Interacted while everyone was having fun there was music, a couple games, and drinks.

A couple of Lana's family members came out to support her and welcome her back home.

"Aye man, you aight?" Quan patted me on the back,

"Yea man, I'm aigh'." I responded

"Aight well lil mama just woke up not too long ago."

I nodded and made ma' way upstairs into Alexis's room.

She was standing up in her crib bawling her lil eyes out.

When she saw me immediately she stopped crying and started smiling reaching for me.

I picked her up and wiped her fresh tears as I kissed her lil fat cheeks, "You ready to see mama babehgirl'?"

Her eyes lit up when I mentioned Lana and she started giggling and nodded like she understood me. I couldn't do anything else but smile.

"Let's go,"

Alana POV

I smiled in awe as I watched Angel rub her huge belly

"When are you do?" I giggled rubbing along with her,

"The damn doctors said any day now, but these fuckers are driving me crazy." She groaned but smiled as I felt soft kicks in the center of her tummy.

I laughed and sat back thinking how I missed out on my whole entire pregnancy,

"Lala what's wrong?" Angel frowned

"I just....I feel like I missed out on my entire pregnancy. I never got the chance to see the wonders of being with a child."

"Well you were one calm thing I can tell you that, cause shit gets fuckin' frustrating when Rashawd always telling me what I can and can't eat. Say if I want my usual 3 McDoubles, a large fry, a large sweet tea, and 20 piece chicken nugget and 4 cookies, he wanna say have a salad instead,"

We were both cracking up until RJ came over mugging us.

"Whatchu over here eatin'?" he said looking at her paper plate.

She rolled her eyes obviously annoyed.

She ignored him and took a sip of her water.

"Angel I know you hear me talkin to yo' ass." he said a little louder.

She looked at him and before I caught on to what happened, Angel busted out crying and walked out of the room causing everyone to look at them.

RJ sighed as he followed.

Well damn...

I got up and tried to find Koron but after a few minutes I gave up, I felt a tap on my shoulder.

I turned around to see a beautiful baby girl, The one from the picture!


I looked up at Koron seeing him smirking and Alexis giggling and reaching for me I wanted to cry all over again.

This was so surreal..

I slowly reached for her and took her into my arms and gave her a ton of kisses.

♛Loving Again♛ [FULLY EDITED and Completed}Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin